Creating Your Awesome Brand Digital Course


You have heard the term brand and branding over and over again but are still a bit confused and unclear what it all means, how it all works and where to begin.

You have a passion + vision and are ready to turn that into an awesome brand.

That’s where Creating Your Awesome Brand comes in.

When you have clarity around your brand purpose, promise and people, you will be able to make more awesome decisions for your business, have healthy boundaries around when to say yes and when to say no, be more strategic about your pricing, create more relevant services and offer more aligned products, and become a more a more effective marketer and storyteller, online and off.

As the awesome Simon Sinek says, “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”.

We believe when you have clarity around your brand purpose, promise and people, you eliminate the fear of competition and no longer feel compelled to sit in comparison, which we all know is one of your biggest angst and anxiety producers. UGH!

In this digital course, we help guide you through the framework of creating your brand purpose, promise, people and product along with how to create a brand identity that aligns with your brand and a story that resonates with your intended audience.

This course is awesome for any creative entrepreneur wanting to create or recreate their brand.

Course Curriculum:
5 Steps To Creating Your Awesome Brand Workbook PDF
36 pages
This Workbook includes:
Building A Strong Foundation for Your Business and Brand
Creating Your Brand Story
Creating Your Brand Identity
Naming and Trademarking Your Brand
Pricing Your Services and Products
Your Brand Online
Your Brand Offline
Resources To Get Started
Recommended Reading List

Creating Your Awesome Brand Audio Guide MP3
1:06 hours of Nina Kovner gently guiding you through the process of creating your brand

The Passion Squared Brand Exercise Example PDF
6 pages

The Passion Squared Brand Identity Example PDF
6 pages

The Passion Squared Brand Story Example PDF
9 pages

BONUS Pricing Your Services + Products video class
1 hour

All of your course content will be in a special password protected membership site, where you can log in and access your course 24/7, 365.

You don’t need to struggle or be overwhelmed by creating your awesome brand. You just need clarity, focus, support and love. That’s where we come in. Let’s do this!

Who is this course for?
Creative humans who have a vision but do not know where to begin.
Creative humans who struggle with competition and comparison and looking for a way to stand out.
Creative humans who want to feel a greater sense of purpose and intention as a marketer and storyteller.
Creative humans who are overwhelmed, confused about what it takes to create a brand.
Creative humans who have have a business but are struggling with attracting the right team and clients.
Creative humans who are ready to turn their passion into possibility.
Creative humans who are ready and committed to doing the work.

How long does this course take?
There is no set amount of time. For some, it will take a few hours, for others it could take months. Go at a pace that feels right for you. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

What if I decide I don’t like it?
We understand when you sometimes invest in something and then get some buyers remorse. We also know how important creating a strong foundation is to creating any type of business. If you create the space and time to focus on this course, take your time and do the work, you will have more clarity and be empowered to take the next steps to bringing your vision to life. Our intention is to help you find clarity. If after you do the work, you are unhappy with our course, please email and we will discuss how we can make it right and ensure your happiness.