Passion Squared blog- The Wizard of Social Media (1)

The Wizard Behind The Selfie

“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”  L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

In today’s world of online everything, there is so much light and love, but there also can be so much darkness and deception. You see, online we have the ability to present and promote just about anything. And many actually believe what is being presented to them. In so many ways, that can be awesome, but in other ways, it can be debilitating and impact people’s esteem.

What am I talking about? Perspective.

There are millions of images being shown to us each day. Some are real, and some not so much. And my question is… Is that a good thing or a bad thing? And my answer? Both.

The Magical “But I’m Sick” Selfie
Recently, I was asked to provide a head shot for an event. Which normally I would simply email my go-to black and white head shot most of you have seen on my website and social media, taken by my awesome friend Anne Slattery, and one that I did not have much makeup on and for sure no filters. It’s real. Wrinkles and all. And I love it. But this request was for a color head shot, which I did not have, and they needed it within 24 hours. OMG, what the hell was I gonna do?

On that particular day, I was battling a nasty cold, and the last thing I wanted to do is take a damn picture of my snot nose face. But as any awesomeness creator does, we step up and show up. So I put my big girl panties on, scrubbed my face, put on a shit ton of makeup (which I hardly ever do), called in #teamawesome, and said “lets do this”!

Makeup + Ringlights + Filters Oh My!
With packed on makeup, a fake smile (remember, I was sick!), a ring light and a Snapchat filter (the one that removes all trace of any flaws on our faces, which I call the good self esteem filter), we began shooting. About 25 pictures which were mostly selfies. And then I was done. What little energy I had was zapped from my body.

We took those pics and began to filter them even more, using whatever editing apps were going to create the most magic, and like magic, we had our final pic.

I don’t think I have ever received more feedback about the pic we took that day. I mean, it was like I had just finished a shoot for the cover of Vogue. “Nina, you look beautiful. Nina, those lashes. Nina, the light in your eyes, Nina….

And while I was so grateful for those beautiful words, it made me immediately think about the insane pressure we put on ourselves to look “perfect” on social media. To present “perfect”, to edit to “perfect” and to compare to “perfect”. And the fact it, most of what we see is just smoke and mirrors. Like the Wizard. Like my new head shot.

Yes, it’s me. Yes, I know I am beautiful, inside and out. But don’t get it twisted; it is not what I look like everyday. Not even close. I am two months from 50. I have wrinkles. My skin tone is not even. My lashes are extensions. And with a cold, I look even worse. And that is what is real.

Comparison Is The Thief of Joy
Now let me be clear, there is NOTHING wrong with using the awesome tools and technology available to us to present our best self and our best work. It’s awesome, and I love it. BUT, where it becomes dark and destructive is when we believe it’s actually real. Like 100%. And we begin comparing ourselves and our work to what we see on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat.

In addition to that, please remember that most of the time, people only present what they want you to see. And we make things up in our heads as to what we believe to be true. Follower counts do not equal paying the bills. Pretty head shots do not equal being successful. And beautiful work does not mean you have a full clientele.

My promise as a human and a brand is to always be honest and authentic. Why? Because I am in the empowerment business. And empowerment comes from within. Empowerment comes when we own our awesomeness, wrinkles and all.

So by all means use the lights, the filters, the lashes, the makeup, the apps, all of it. But please, be honest with yourself and others. And stop comparing your behind the scenes to others highlight reels (or selfies, or head shots or work, or claims, or follower counts, or…).

Love + Awesomeness-

Nina xo

PS: Wanna share Snap stories? I’m passionsquared, I would love to connect with you!

#QandAwesome Dealing With Toxic People

In this episode of #QandAwesome I address an issue that was brought to me about dealing with toxic people in a salon business. My answer may not be what anyone wants to hear, but we must remember, we teach people how to treat us, in biz and in life. Thanks so much for watching!

Passion Squared Blog- Independence

Are We Really Independent?

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.”  Coco Chanel

As I sit here on the day before Independence Day, I have been reflecting on my journey and what freedom looks like and feels like for me. You see, we all have different ways we define independence and freedom. And for me, it comes back to empowerment.

Now, lets first begin with the textbook definition of independence: according to Merriam Webster it means… “freedom from outside control or support : the state of being independent”

Here’s the thing. If we are in business, we thrive on “outside control or support” so are we really independent? I say kinda, but not really.

I say we are more interdependent. As we need each other. As opposed to dependent, like, I cannot exist without you.

OK, so I’m getting a little deep into semantics, so lets go back to empowerment.

Empowerment to me means…
Thinking for ourselves
Finding our voice
Wisdom to make decisions that feel good
Courage to set healthy boundaries
Confidence in knowing what is good for us
Embracing our whole, imperfections and all
Owning our story and being proud of it
Self awareness and all that comes with it
Lighting the path for others
Being strong enough to ask for help
Standing up for what we believe in
Challenging the status quo
Not living by society’s standards
Taking the road less traveled
Owning our choices

And I could go on and on. So on this Independence Day, I sit in gratitude for the choices I have made, all the good ones, and all the not so good ones, knowing that I am the creator of my journey and because of all those decisions I have the honor of helping pave the way for the people I love. That is true independence to me.

What does independence mean to you? Create some space today and reflect.

Love + Awesomeness-




Passion Squared Blog- Why Would I Follow You-

Why Would I Follow You?

“The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run.”  Henry David Thoreau

I mean really, why? This is the question I ask myself daily, and one I believe we all must ask ourselves, online and off.

Why would I follow you?
Why would I book with you?
Why would I review you?
Why would I refer you?
Why would I talk about you?
Why would I work for you?
Why would I pay you?
Why would I come back to you?

If you cannot answer these questions with clarity and intention, its time to take a step back and look at your brand. This is your story. Your purpose. Your promise. Without those, you are not a brand. You are simply a business. One that can be easily replaced with the next “best” thing. The next “shiny object”. The next “lowest price”. The next “contest”.

Brands add value.
Brands make me feel something.
Brands speak to me on an emotional level.
Brands create revenue.
Brands have life.
Brands inspire me to take an action.

Why did you choose to follow Passion Squared?

Love + Awesomeness-



A School Stories: Meet Jessica Warburton

No one is going to give you permission to live. So get going already. – Kris Carr

As with many of the people in our community that I love and adore, I first connected with Jessica aka @hairhunter via Instagram. Once again, this platform has allowed so many to connect, engage and build life long relationships. When I met Jessica, one of our courageous and selfless military Veterans, last year at the first Butterfly Circus, I fully felt her beautiful spirit and presence. This is her story…

N. What does passion look and feel like to you?
J. One wouldn’t know it by looking at me but I am permanently disabled. (I really despise that word.) I have permanent nerve damage in my hands and feet due to heavy chemotherapy treatments. 6 years ago, I was diagnosed with a late stage of Ovarian canSer. (I misspell it on purpose because it is some added disrespect to a disease that doesn’t respect anyone ever.) I died on a surgery table. It sounds crazy, but for me, passion is that numbness and pain in my hands and feet that I cope with on a daily basis. It drives me in a way that nothing else can. When I have days where I don’t want to get out of bed, I look at a photo taken by my Mom right after the surgeon told her I wasn’t going to wake up. I had a ventilator breathing for me. It reminds me that I’ve been given an opportunity to do something that so many people don’t get after that. The opportunity to live.

N. Why did you join A School?
J. I joined A School because I want more. David and Alexis at the Butterfly Loft gave some crazy kid with a wild Mohawk a chance at that and I have to do my part to keep at it. I’m not all that great at branding and marketing so I look for multiple resources that can give me ideas and push me forward without bringing others down. I felt that Nina and other A Schoolers would be positive additions to the wealth of knowledge I’ve received from my Butterfly Loft family.

N. What have you learned on your journey in A School?
J. In a short amount of time, I’ve learned to set healthy boundaries. I tend to be a bit soft and have a hard time being stern with people. I was in the military for 8 years and had to learn to control that mentality at the same time. I can’t speak to clients like they are soldiers but I also can’t allow someone to walk all over me either. I’m finally finding a healthy balance and more professional ways to deal with issues that may arise.

I’ve also found that I’m far from alone in having certain struggles as a business owner. It is fantastic to have a crew of fellow stylists that I can reach out to and get a plethora of ideas and options when I can’t come up with options myself.

N. Why did you become an owner?
J. I became an independent stylist for so many reasons, but there were two main driving factors. When I started at the Butterfly Loft, I was in a pretty abusive relationship. I needed a way out. I did not beat cancer so that another person could hold me down instead. I knew that I had to leave my comfort zone in order to succeed and to escape. I made a plan when I started at the Butterfly Loft. I told no one of the plan and busted my butt at work. I saved up and it all paid off. These days I am happy, healthy and have my dream job.

N. What is your biggest lesson so far being an owner?
J. My biggest lesson was learning to take risks and get out of my comfort zone. I firmly believe that if I hadn’t taken the leap to being an independent stylist, I would still be in a bad relationship and believing that I’m incapable of work due to a disease. Now I regularly get out of my comfort zone and most of the time, it is worth it. Either I learn that an option won’t work and I find another that does OR I succeed in a way I had not thought possible. I’m okay with both outcomes because I learn either way.

N. How do you handle difficult situations with clients or team members?
J. I often ask David, Alexis and a handful of other mentors for ideas on handling sensitive issues. All of these mentors have been in the industry for a long time and are successful here. By success, I mean that they are happy with what they do. Success is a subjective term and one has to figure out what it means as it is different for everyone. Sure, making money is important but I want input from people who are about more than that. I’ve always looked for lighthouses. Lighthouses guide a ship to safety and success. My lighthouses know who they are and their energy radiates through a building. Those are the ones I need when the waters get choppy.

N. What ONE tool would you say is the most effective in marketing your business and why?
J. INSTAGRAM!!! I have connected with so many clients and other professionals through this social media platform and it has been the best whirlwind. I had never put much thought into it until David and Don (Nothing but Pixies) gave me some valuable career building pointers. Once I started making the adjustments, I saw my career fly.

N. Where does your inspiration come from?
J. I’m a real nerdy, gothy kid at heart. While a lot of my motivation comes from past struggles, I pull inspiration from another part of me. I believe the two are a bit different. I pull ideas for vivid colors from comic books, Tim Burton movies, and Disney. Who am I kidding? ALL of my color ideas come from those things!

N. How do you practice self-care?
J. I firmly believe in working hard enough all year so that I can spend a week doing nothing and drinking crazy colored concoctions out of a coconut with a little umbrella in it. I also know how important it is to take care of my body. I have the joy of visiting my oncologist every 6 months and if I am not eating right or working out, he gets after me in a way that would make my mother envious. I hate going to a gym so I do barre fitness, Pole classes, aerial silks, yoga and I have been roller skating since I was about 4 years old. Basically, if you would see it at a circus, I probably enjoy doing it. I also surf when I can. I’ve been surfing for about 13 years now. I mean, I call it surfing but others might say I just fall off a big stick in the water but whatever. It’s my zen place outside of Disneyland.

N. Coffee Bean or Starbucks?
J. Coffee bean!! I LOVE their tea lattes!

N. Favorite quote?
J. I actually have two favorite quotes.. When I was sick, a friend of mine sent me one that has always remained “It’s not about how you weather the storm, it’s about how you dance in the rain”. The other is one I read in a book by Kris Carr.. “No one is going to give you permission to live. So get going already.”

You can find Jessica aka @hairhunter sharing her beautiful hair stories on Instagram and her website.

A big shout out of love + gratitude to Jessica for sharing her story with us. You inspire me with your courage and bad assery. We are so grateful to be on this journey with you in A School. Thank you for your service!

Love + Awesomeness


If you are a creative small biz owner in the pro beauty world and looking for a ton of love, support and help with creating an awesome biz + life, A School may be a good fit for you.