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4 Steps To Creating + Curating Awesome Content

Purpose driven marketing begins (and ends) with a story. – Me

The daily dilemma is seems for so many marketers today, (and if you are reading this and you own a business or work in one, you are a marketer) is what to share on social platforms. And my answer is always the same, which is with questions back, which I know is so frustrating to many. Why do I ask questions? Because I do not know the answer until I know more about the story you want to tell. And how do you figure that out? Start here…

What is your purpose and promise as a business?
What do your clients and future clients value?
What is your objective for engaging on social platforms?

When you know the answers to the above questions, then go here…

1. Create content that communicates your purpose and promise.

2. Create content that tells authentic stories.

3. Create content that your clients and future clients value.

4. Use hashtags (Instagram) and search tools (Google, Pinterest) to curate content that your clients and future clients value and help you tell your story.

BONUS: Make the client the hero of your story. It’s not about us. It’s always about them. And be human. Human always works.

Here is an example for Passion Squared…

My purpose and promise is empowerment, clarity, truth, authenticity…

My clients are creative small business owners and the people who work in them who are seeking love, inspiration, support, clarity, guidance, comfort, reassurance, stress relief, authenticity + truth.

My content communicates the above through quotes, blogs, newsletters, videos and broadcasts.

The content I curate is from sources that fit my promise, purpose and my story. I would not curate (share) from sources, which I would call off brand; content that is dis-empowering, shaming, bullying, negative, self centered or demeaning.

My objective for engaging is to listen, build relationships, share and connect with humans who need my services.

Yes, you can continue to randomly post content a few days and week and wonder why you have little to no engagement, and why you are having so much trouble building a community of followers, or you can do the work. By the way, this is the same process for creating awesome offline content. So either way, its best to start here.

Want to learn how to create more awesome in your career, life + biz? If you are a creative small biz owner, check out A School for Owners. In A School, you get a ton of love, support + brain food, all in a safe, sacred space.

Love + Awesomeness-


Passion Squared on Periscope

Creating Awesome with Periscope

“Your content is your marketing.” Me

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you for listening.

It seems almost every day there is a new platform, and people get all geeked out on it, jump in quickly while others sit back and observe. What has happened with Periscope for the professional beauty industry has been quite awesome to watch. What is Periscope you ask? A live streaming app, owned by & integrated with Twitter.

Now, before I get into my thoughts on Periscope, here are a few fundamentals to remember when it comes to choosing platforms and content plans.

Be where your clients are. How do you know? Ask. Observe. Listen.

Less is more. Always. I would rather you engage successfully on one platform than attempt to engage half heatedly on two or more.

So, as long as we are all clear on that, here are my initial thoughts on creating awesome with Periscope…

1. I Love It
And I am a tough customer. I do not jump to jump, I jump when I see something that I believe can delver a ton of value and I see this happening quickly on Periscope. Why? Engagement, community, conversations, behind the scenes, all of it is stuff our communities crave.

2. Less Is Always More, Unless We Are Talking Espresso or OITNB
Oh wait, I already said that. But it bears repeating. This is part of a larger content strategy discussion, but it’s important to remember that TMI and random chatter does not add value to your brand, in fact, it can take away value. This is true on any platform, post consistently, but be mindful to post content that matters. The more random noise you make, the less people listen + hear.

3. Your Content Is Your Marketing
And on Periscope it is no different. Think about your brand story, your brand why, what your clients are seeking by following you, how you can add value to the conversation. Begin there.

4. Be Mindful of Your Biz Model
What? Yes, think about it. If you are an educator and offer paid courses, be mindful of how much content you share and what types of content you share. And please remember, your content is your marketing. Free content is for sure a strategy, one I use often (and strategically) at Passion Squared, but too much free content could impact your course sales. Make sure you understand your model, know your business, know your customer and be thoughtful and strategic in how and what you share. Be generous, yes, but be mindful.

Love + Awesomeness-


I would love to connect with you on Periscope, you can find me at @passionsquared2 (same as Twitter)

Passion Profile: David + Alexis Thurston

“Whatever you are… be a good one.”  Abraham Lincoln

In life, sometime we meet humans who immediately have an impact on us, ones that change our life for the better. That is exactly how I felt when first meeting David + Alexis Thurston, Owners of Butterfly Loft Salon Spa and Ubungalows in Encino, California.

Could it be cause I was born in Encino? No. It is because these two passionate humans are creating awesome + opportunities for so many. They are the real deal. What an honor it is to share some behind the scenes insight into the magic that is Butterfly Loft.

N. What does passion look & feel like to you?

BL. If you really care a lot about something, you are usually careful not to show exactly how much you care about it, for fear of coming across as uncool to others.  However, when you are really passionate about something (or somebody), you cease caring about how you appear and what others think of your ambition, in fact you can’t help yourself… you talk and talk and talk about your passion.  It becomes not something you do, but instead, something you are.  You think about it when you’re trying to go to sleep (which is hard when you’re passionate about something), and you think about it in the shower and while driving in the car.  When you’re passionate about something, and a critic puts you down, it stings even more, but when the passion is strong, you use it to proactively fuel your work to prove the critic wrong.  I see many of our stylists having this kind of passion about hair… and we are passionate about our salon.  It’s not what we do for a living… it’s who we are.

N. Why did you become owners?

BL. Before opening Butterfly Loft, I had created a hair product line.  I would go on the road, and into salons to educate stylists about the product line.  I loved doing what I was doing, but I was lonely.  After each class, I would leave the salon having met many cool people I would have loved to know more.  But, each time I would have to leave, and that’s the last I would see of them.  No long-lasting attachments were being formed in my professional life.

Most people’s big dream in life is to have a home and populate it with a loving family.  We created Butterfly Loft to develop a space that is a reflection of ourselves, and populate it with a salon family who we strive to inspire, and work with to create something bigger than we could alone.  We experience great joy in attending our stylist’s weddings and being a part of their other major life experiences.  The space we created is more than a salon, it’s where many get their sense of home, where they feel most right each day.  We got married inside Butterfly Loft… it’s a special place.

N. What is the biggest challenge you have had and how did you overcome it?

BL.We believe that a team that rows together in the same direction can go so much further than each can rowing alone. But, having a large salon where each stylist is an independent, station-renting stylist makes it a challenge for most to create a team atmosphere.

Outsiders are often surprised that our stylists are all independent, because the salon oozes teamwork and collaboration. To accomplish this, we create as many opportunities as possible to get our stylists together, by hosting a dozen education events a year and hosting parties where everyone is invited.  We often have one of our stylists teach a small workshop, passing on a skill they posses, and in return, ask one of the students to teach a workshop of their own to pay it forward.  In our design, we focus on building common areas where stylists can exchange ideas and inspire each other.  We have small dinner’s together where we discuss strategies on growing our social media following together as a team.

N. What is the greatest lesson you have learned?

BL. When hiring stylists and staff, don’t just hire anyone who wants to work for you.  Character and personality are the most important ingredients when building a team.  If you were stuck for two hours in a layover at an airport with the person, could you see yourself enjoying their company?  If not, don’t hire them.

N. What is one skill you believe all successful owners need to have?

BL. The ability to operate comfortably using both the left (analytical) side of the brain and the right (creative) side of the brain.

N. Why that one?

BL. You need to operate in the left brained sphere in order to run any successful business.  If you don’t have strong analytical and organizational skills, I would strongly recommend you do something other than own a business.  But, in the beauty world, you need to use your creative side to come up with solutions to problems, to communicate effectively with artists, and to inspire the hearts of stylists rather than the typical business where you try to inspire minds.

N. Why are you so passionate about sharing the stylists of Butterfly Loft + Ubungalows work on Instagram?

BL. Every day, a stylist at Butterfly Loft does something that makes our jaw drop in awe.  Instagram is an amazing tool for highlighting their talent.  But my favorite thing about Instagram is that it provides a way for salon owners and stylists to work together as a team to accomplish something more than each could on their own.  When one of our stylists creates great hair, we post it and the content brands us as being a great salon.  And in turn, when we post the content, it brings the stylists much more exposure, which of course can also lead to more opportunity for the stylist.  When we post the work of one of our stylists, over 25,000 people see it almost instantly.  Instagram creates a true win/win relationship that every salon owner should utilize to strengthen their team.

N. Favorite Quote?

BL. Whatever you are… be a good one. – Abraham Lincoln

N. Starbucks or Coffee Bean?

Coffee Bean

A big shout out to my soul sister Larisa Love for introducing me to David + Alexis, an introduction that continues to make such an impact on my heart. And to David + Alexis for being so generous and open with their hearts, minds and business. So grateful for you two rad humans.

To learn more about Butterfly Loft and UBungalows + to stay connected with all their awesomeness, you can find them on Instagram @butterflyloftsalon @davidbutterflyloft @alexisbutterflyloft
on Periscope @butterflyloftsalon by visiting +

Love + Awesomeness-