Choice and Change

Choice & Change

“Change almost never fails because it’s too early. It almost always fails because it’s too late.”

Seth Godin


Choice and Change
Here is the audio version of this post. Background music (snoring) compliments of Zen Louis Kovner. Thanks so much for listening.

I work with small business owners every day, myself included, and one of the themes that runs through nearly all I work with is the challenge of making the choice to make a change. Whether it be a change in systems, strategy, people, resources, planning, whatever. Sounds like a simple theory, but not so simple to commit to and ultimately execute.

One of my favorite Seth Godin quotes is… “You don’t run a punch press or haul iron ore. Your job is to make decisions.”

As a small business, whether it be one person or 10, in order to create awesome and achieve our dreams, we have to get really comfortable with making decisions. And that begins with a choice to do so in order to get the change we are seeking.

We are so good at over complicating things. But it really is as simple as making a choice. If we want to change the outcome of our efforts, we have to look objectively at what choices we are making, every single day.

There is so much freedom that comes when we accept the fact that we have a choice. It also totally freaks people out because when we accept that, all the responsibility for the outcome comes back to us. Ugh!

Here are a few examples I experience on a daily basis, do any of these sound familiar?

  1. You want to increase referrals and you are a service business? Create a referral program and embrace referral platforms such as YELP.

  2. You want to increase holiday traffic and reservations, try an inbox marketing campaign like my buddy Benjamin Jay did at the Hair Loft ltd (check out our Facebook chat about it from November 11th)

  3. You want to have a happy, healthy culture? Get rid of the bullies and tantrum throwers.

  4. You want to get out from the day-to-day and begin to work on your business vs. in your business? Begin making the decisions today that will allow you to transition from worker to leader.

  5. You want to build relevant social platforms? Wake up a half hour earlier, stay up a half hour later, or find someone in your world who is passionate about it and create meaningful content, and share it.

  6. You want more time to do the things you love? Make time. It’s a choice.

So I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. We all have the power to make choices. The key is in making the decision to choose the action that will ultimately get us to the result and change. I see it every day. It’s not easy, but it can completely change the way you lead and manage your business, and in the end, help you create more awesome.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)

The Gratitude List

GRATITUDE: The Best Medicine

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”

Marcel Proust


The Gratitude List

Here is the audio version of this post. Snoring compliments of Zen Louis Kovner. Thank you so much for listening. I am grateful.

In this month of giving thanks, many of us get inspired to focus on gratitude which is awesome. What is even more awesome is when we learn to bring gratitude into our every day lives. I know I write often about this topic, because it literally saved my life, so yes, I’m a little passionate about it.

Just like any habit or practice, we first have to really want it and see value in it. For me, the incentive was to live. For you, it may be different. No matter the reason, I can tell you that gratitude can be the best medicine.

So how can we incorporate gratitude 365 days a year? My solution is a gratitude list. A simple mental or physical exercise that allows my mind to focus on all the gifts that I have. Whether you make a mental list or keep a journal, try to make one list a day. Try it for a week, then a few weeks, then a month, then 2 months, next thing you know you are in the habit of finding something to be grateful for, even in the darkest of days.

Here are some of my favorite quotes on gratitude. The last one, by Melody Beattie, is tattooed on my left arm, which gives me a daily reminder of why I chose life.

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”




“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.”

Meister Eckhart



“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.”

John F. Kennedy



“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”


Thornton Wilder



“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”

William Arthur Ward



“Gratitude is the memory of the heart.”

Jean Baptiste Massieu

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.”


Melody Beattie

Let’s celebrate giving thanks this month, but come December, how about we keep that gratitude going, next thing you know, it will become a way of life. A life worth living and seeing in a whole new way. What are some of your favorite ways to get into gratitude? You can share in the comments below. I’m listening.

(shared with LOVE + GRATITUDE from Nina)


Image Is “Almost” Everything

“Branding is about everything.”

Tom Peters



Here is the audio recording of this weeks post. Thank you for listening.

In the world of beauty, we strive to help make people feel and look beautiful both inside and out. But how much time and attention are we putting towards our own brand image online?

In today’s social + digital world, we have an opportunity to extend our offline experience into the online world, and that includes how we look in the eyes of current and future clients. As they say, we only have once chance to make a great first impression. What impression is your online presence making?

Here is a list of ways you can create awesome in your online image…

1. Your Website
Passion Squared website

Always be sure your logo is clear, sized right and prominent.

Choose a font family, or ask a designer for their suggestions, make a decision and stick with it.

Be sure images are hi-resolution and sized correctly, a designer can help.

One of the most overlooked things on a website but it’s the little things. What is a favicon? It’s the little image in the left hand side of the browser tab. A web designer can help, or if you are using a self-serve template, there are places where the favicon can be added. This is what it looks like…Passion Squared favicon

Color Scheme
Pick a color scheme for your brand and stick with it. Both online and off. Try to keep it clean and easy to look at. By all means get creative, but once you decide, consistency is key.

2. Your Social Pages
Passion Squared Facebook

Place your logo where the profile picture is if you have a business page. Unless of course, you are the business. Most all social platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. use the same sizing for profile pics. Ask a designer to make one for you. I mean, it’s your logo for goodness sakes. It matters.

Cover Image
Invest the time, money and energy in creating an awesome cover image that fits. Again, a designer can help.

Be sure you are posting quality images on your pages. Most phones these days capture amazing images. If you are finding images on Google or such, just be sure they look awesome before posting and are sized right.

3. Your E-Newsletter/Confirmation E-Mails
Passion Squared e newsletter

Need I say more?

Color Scheme
Enough said.

Do your best to use your brand font family. If the email platform you use does not have your font, either choose one that is super close to yours or invest in a designer to design artwork for your newsletters.

Enough said. Again.

4. Your E-Newsletter Sign Up Forms
Passion Squared sign up form


OK, I know, but so often overlooked. Keep it awesome Passionistas.

Color Scheme
Consistency again is the name of the game. Try signing up for your own newsletter, what do you see? Is it awesome and consistent, cool, if not, change it.

Yep, again, if you can be consistent, awesome, if your font is not available, choose one closest to your own.

5. Mobile
Passion Squared mobile


The world is going mobile. If you have a mobile or responsive site (responsive means the site knows which device it’s being accessed from and acts accordingly) or mobile app, be sure to visit your site from your devices from time to time to see what the experience looks and feels like. If you have not yet gone mobile, it’s still an awesome idea to see what your platforms and pages look like via mobile devices.

Can your image make or break your business? Maybe. Of course, there is also living up to that image, you know, your promise, purpose, why and delivering a kick ass experience, every single time.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)

Becuase We Care

We Remembered

“Best marketing strategy ever? Care.”

Gary Vaynerchuk


Becuase We Care

Here is the audio version of this post. Thanks so much for listening. Enjoy.

Actions speak louder than words. Something we can all agree on, yes? There is a big difference between saying we care and showing we care.

After reading The Thank You Economy by my biz hero Gary Vee, I was convinced more than ever that caring is not only a critical part of having a successful biz, but can also be a competitive advantage. As lame as that sounds, because it’s easier than ever to show we care, and sadly, there are just so many businesses who don’t.

With the rise of the social + digital web and the tools available to us, we can show we care in so many ways. Listening, engaging, responding, replying, paying attention, saying thank you and even wishing our clients a Happy Birthday.

Here are some of the awesome Birthday wishes I received in my inbox on my special day. Did I notice which brands remembered? Absolutely.

1. American Apparel
A great image and a special savings. A call to action. Simple and effective. And yes, I did take advantage of the offer.

American Apparel Birthday

2. Sephora
A beautiful image and note. An offer I did not take advantage of but would have if I needed the gift. An invitation and call to action to get my makeup done for my special day was icing on the cake, pun intended. Sephora BirthdaySephora Birthday 13. the Hair Loft ltd
A beautiful image and message from my friends at the Hair Loft ltd. A special offer and a call to action. Perfect on all levels. Only reason I did not make a reservation is because they are in Chicago. But I would have if it came from my salon in Los Angeles.

 Hair Loft Birthday1

Hair Loft icons

With the technology & platforms we have available to us today, no matter the size of our businesses, we all have an opportunity to show we care. But the platforms can’t do it for us, we have to care first, then use the technology to engage. We actually have to care. For reals.

How do you show clients you care? What do your birthday greetings look and feel like? I would love to hear and see what you are doing to show you care. It matters. You matter. And I’m listening.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)


Three Wishes

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”

Mother Teresa

Give (image via

Here is the audio version of this post. Thanks so much for listening. Enjoy.

This week I celebrate my 47th birthday. For me, birthdays give us an opportunity to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the coming year. I also see birthdays as a way to give back, both to ourselves and others. To close our eyes and make a wish as we blow out our candles.

This year, I have three wishes both for me and for you. These are not wishes of material goods, I have long lost my desire to collect things, but wishes of empowerment, awesomeness and self-love. When I wake up Wednesday morning, I will be setting my intentions for the coming year, and making my three wishes, will you join me?

Wish #1
Do Something Awesome For You
This is the one I want most for you. As givers and healers, you spend countless hours each week helping others look and feel beautiful. It is imperative that you feed your own soul in order to feed others. Just like the lovely flight attendant tell us every single time we get on the airplane, “Put your mask on before assisting others”. Take a day off, get a massage, go to the beach, read a book, watch the entire season of Orange Is The New Black, whatever, just please do something awesome for you this week.

Wish #2
Do Something Awesome For A Teammate
It is so easy for us to get so wrapped up in our own stuff, drama, family, life, whatever, that we many times forget that part of our purpose on this planet is to help each other. There is nothing more beautiful than being helpful, particularly when it’s unexpected. Sweep their hair, clean their bowls, hand them foils, bring them their favorite Starbucks, whatever you can do to help lift the burden of another, do that. When you do this, you will be filling two hearts with joy, not just one.

Wish #3
Do Something Awesome For A Stranger
We have all heard the amazing stories of people helping strangers. You know, paying it forward and stuff. And it’s something we can do every day. All three of these wishes we can do every day. How awesome is that? Whether it’s a smile, opening the door, paying for a meal, a cup of coffee, a pack of smokes, allowing a car to pull in front of you, whatever, the feeling of random acts of kindness is one of the best feelings in the world.

So those are my birthday wishes and I hope you join me this week as we create awesome in our world. I would love to hear about your wishes so please share them with me via email or on Facebook, Twitter, whatever, I will be sharing mine throughout the week as well.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)