Caring Is The New Black

Caring Is The New Black

“Best marketing strategy ever? Care.”

Gary Vaynerchuk

Caring Is The New Black

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you for listening.
Caring Is The New Black

Social business is all about authenticity, connections, relationships and caring. Today’s connected customer is keenly aware of who really cares and who is giving them lip service. This is true of clients, team members and even family and friends.

As my biz hero Gary Vee says… “Caring is in short supply, but always in demand.” And yes, you can out care your competitors.

Here are a few ways to show you really care both online and off. How many of these things are you doing consistently? Which ones need a little bit more work?

1. Respond + Reply
To phone calls, e-mails, text messages and comments. Yes, all of them. I have a 24 hour rule that I do my very best to stick to. It shows respect. No it’s not easy, but if it’s important to you, you will find the time.

2. Please + Thank You
Saying please + thank you still work. Always have, always will. (A special shout out to my buddy Ira Pope Sage for always reminding me of this. He is SO good at it.)

3. Recognition Squared
Recognition is many times more valuable than money. We all want to know we matter. If I do something awesome, a simple shout out goes a long long way. This also goes for when people walk into your business or give you a shout out on your social pages. A simple hello. A simple like or comment back.

4. Take Action
Actions speak louder than words. So cliche, but so often overlooked. If you make a commitment, follow through on it. Simple concept yet not very common.

5. Listen
Seriously. Listen. It works wonders and shows me you truly care about what I have to say.

Use this as a simple checklist or mental list when engaging in biz and in life. Not only will it show your team and co-workers you care, it will make a huge difference in how your clients engage with your business both online and off.

Think about this. There are two salons in town with equally great skills. One is known for really caring about it’s clients. They return phone calls, answer emails, respond on the social web, give shout outs to team members and clients and greet you with a big smile when you walk in the door. The other does not. Where will you go to get your hair done?

A big shout out to Sage Tryall Salon in Lynchburg Virginia, one of our Creating Awesome Workshop graduates and a salon that cares. Thank you Suzy, Todd and Team Sage for being an awesome model for caring. You ROCK!

(shared with LOVE from Nina)


6 Ways To Share Your Story On The Web

“If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.”

 Rudyard Kipling


Here is the audio version of the post if reading is not your thing. Enjoy!
6 Ways To Share Your Story On The Web

One of the most common questions I am asked by salon owners and artists is “what” they should be posting on their social platforms. My question back is almost always “why” are you posting in the first place.

When we start with why (thank you Simon Sinek), the what and how begins to flow so much more naturally.

Think of your content as your marketing, your story, your voice and your experience and all of a sudden, content creation becomes a creative and fun process, not a daunting one as many have told me it is.

Here are 6 ways to share your story on the Web…

1. About Section
The very overlooked yet super important area to share your story.

2. Before’s & After’s
One of the most engaging ways to share your work, tell a hair story and recognize your team & clients.

3. Behind The Scenes
We all have this incredible desire to see what goes on behind the scenes of our fave brands.

4. Education
If part of your why is your passion for technical excellence, share the hair shows, workshops and advanced education stories with me.

5. Giving Back
Is giving back part of your story? Sharing your charitable events is a great way to show me.

6. Shout Outs
One of our most basic human needs is the need to be recognized. Saying thank you to clients, recognizing a milestone in a team members life or career, or featuring another local business is one of the most powerful ways to engage.

So remember, always start with why. When you have that down, you can begin to create compelling, authentic and powerful content for your social pages.

Have questions? Want to share your story with me? I’m listening.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)

Inside My Reality

Inside My Reality

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”


Leo Buscaglia

Inside My Reality

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you for listening.
Inside My Reality

This is by far one of the most difficult posts I have ever written. But my heart is telling me it’s time. Passion Squared is about truth. The truth about our lives and our businesses. When I saw that my friend, hairdresser, photographer and film maker Damien Laliberte started the Inside My Reality documentary project, I knew it was time to share one of my darkest secrets.

A little over 6 years ago, I almost took my own life. I have suffered from mental illness since I was a child, but did not know the depths of my condition till it was almost too late. I was one of the lucky ones. There is so much more to be done. I still struggle every day of my life. But I am alive and can do my part to help the millions of others that suffer as I do.

This is my buddy Damien. I sat down with him to learn more about his project. This is his story.

Damien Laliberte

Tell me a little bit about Inside My Reality.

It’s an independent film project voicing the every day reality so many of living under the shadow of mental illness feel. It’s not happy, it’s not sad, it’s just honest life.

Why are you so passionate about this topic?

I suffer from a mental illness, a lot of friends and family do, and there have recently been a string of suicides in my small rural town that has really made me realize that something is wrong with how we’re handling these topics.

The materials and education (if any) we give to young adults on these topics is so often laughably bad – my favorite example is to reference the anti-marijuana movies from the 50’s and 60’s, like Reefer Madness. That’s how off the mark the stuff we’re giving kids today is, and they KNOW it. So of COURSE it’s not helping.

Why should I support this project?

Unlike a charity, I’m not out to endlessly raise money. I’m not trying to raise awareness, sell ribbons, sell t-shirts – I am making something. Something that once made, will exist and be available and will not come back asking for donations next year to fund more ribbon and t-shirt sales.

How are you using the social + digital space to fuel this project?

This project is almost entirely fueled by the social networks I travel in over the Internet! I’m a big Twitter guy, but my YouTube video first got attention by being shared around town. Then came a website, which got too much traffic, so it was replaced with a Facebook page which is almost up to 800 likes as of writing this.

It’s how I communicate with people about this project, it’s how people reach me, it’s how teens and people who want to be part of the project reach me, it’s how my project material is disseminated into the world. It’s how I’ve been reached for interviews and professional connections. None of this would have been possible without the extreme power of having networked connections online.

“I think it’s time to start listening to them.” Damien Laliberte, Inside My Reality

Thank you Damien, for your friendship, your courage and your commitment to making a difference. I love you. Infinity and beyond.

To be part of helping our future generations who suffer from mental illness like Damien and I do, visit Inside My Reality, make a donation and share if you feel inspired. You can also keep up with Damien and Inside My Reality on Facebook and Twitter.

We thank you for your support.

If you or someone you know suffers from depression or has suicidal thoughts, there is help. A few of the groups I support are The Trevor Project, It Get’s Better, National Suicide Prevention Hotline.

(shared with LOVE from Nina + Damien)

The Social Awesomeness Manifesto

The Social Awesomeness Manifesto

“Always be yourself. Unless you are a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn.”


The Social Awesomeness Manifesto

Here is an audio recording of this post. Thank you for listening. <3
The Social Aweseomeness Manifesto

The world has changed. And change can sometimes mess people up. As an artist of business, with a huge passion for engaging, I created a manifesto of sorts for those seeking some guidance on how to be socially awesome on social platforms. I like many am not one for rules, but I dig manifesto’s, so I made one.

One thing I really think we need to understand is this is real life. The new real world. The same “rules” apply online as they do offline. So when in doubt, just remember this is about people. And I know you know to engage with people. It’s what you do every day.

A Squared
Be awesome. Be authentic. I am smart, at least that is what my mama told me. I can see right through you. Do you. Keep it real. And I promise to do the same.

Caring Matters
If you cannot or do not care to listen, engage, respond and reply, you are not ready to engage in the social space. If I ask you a question, I will be waiting for an answer. If I give you a shout out, a simple thank you goes a long way.

Chill On The CAPS LOCK
You really think I want to engage when I am being yelled at? Does anyone want to listen when being yelled at? No. Be cool, chill on the caps lock.

Nobody Likes A Litterbug
Spamming my wall with your product, event or political agenda only makes me want to hide you, delete you or block you. And I love you, so please be mindful of littering on my wall. If you ask nicely, and are offering something I believe in or see value in, then trust, I will share it, buy it, or like it.

Don’t Bleed The Feed
Whether its Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram, be mindful that when you post 17 pics of your dog, baby, Starbucks, etc. in a row I may get hostile and stop following you or hide you. Same goes for hitting the share button. Post. Then chill.  Share. Then chill. Inspired by the awesome Instagram i love you vid by Casey Neistat.

Link Love
If you are trying to lead me somewhere, like your website, event, your salon, or a blog post, please include the URL, phone number, email, Morse code, whatever in your post. It’s super helpful if you actually want me to do something.

Check One Check Two
And while we are on the topic of links, check your links on your social pages. If you are a business, and you want me to check you out, working links (on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, YELP, etc.) will get me to you much faster. In fact, if your link does not work, you may have lost me, forever.

Hide And Seek Is Fun But…
If you are a human, please share that with me in your About section on your social + digital pages, profiles, etc. The Internet may seem like a super secret shield, but if you are hiding from me I will be scared and hide from you too. Marketing is about stories. Tell me one.

Sharing Is Caring
But taking credit for someone else’s stuff is lame. If you see something that inspires you, and you know the source, like someone else’s page, just hit the share button (or repin, or #repost #regram) and credit the source. It’s good karma. And the right thing to do.

Quote This
If a quote came from you, awesome and congrats. If it came from someone else, like Thomas Edison or someone cool like that then give them credit. If you don’t know, Google it. If anyone reading this knows who created the unicorn quote, please share, I have Googled for days, but no luck so far.

To be continued…

Have something awesome to add? Know someone who is socially awesome? Please share in the comments below or with me, I’m listening and I care.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)

Look for the helpers

Look For The Helpers

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

Martin Luther King Jr

 Look for the helpers

Here is the audio version of the post. Thank you for listening. <3
Look For The Helpers

It is so interesting to me how this world works sometimes. How in the blink of an eye, everything changes. That is what happened as I was boarding my plane yesterday afternoon. My heart was full, after spending the weekend in San Jose at the Spring Style Show, sharing my passion with the people that I love. Then I saw the heartbreaking news. And everything changed.

My Love + Prayers for Boston
I had another blog planned for this week, and normally I post it on Monday mornings. But this week, I chose to wait till this morning. As I turned on my computer, my heart told me my previous blog could wait. There was something more important I needed to share.

So today, I dedicate this post to the people of Boston, to the precious lives that were lost, to the beautiful souls injured, to their families and friends, to this community of Passionistas who choose light over darkness, and love over hate.

Look For The Helpers
You see, no matter what happens in this world, in our lives or in our business, what matters is how we respond. And over the last 12 hours, we have all been witness to so much love both online and offline, but we have also seen so much hate. I choose love. I choose to “look for the helpers”, as Mister Rogers so awesomely said.

Within moments of the tragedy, helpers were everywhere. Google Person Finder helped people locate their loved ones. Over 1000 residents opened their homes to those affected. Southwest Airlines stepped up to help people get home safely. Airbnb immediately took action to help those in need.

Here are some ways you can help.

Choose Love
We have a choice everyday when we wake up, a choice about the energy we bring to our world. In the salon, in our community, and our family, both online and off. We have a choice to be hateful or loving. Our world needs more love. Our businesses need more love. Our families need more love.

As my hero John Lennon said; “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” Love is the answer, it always has been. And today, I choose to do my part to bring more loving energy to myself, my family, my friends, my business and my world. Will you join me?

(shared with LOVE + PRAYERS for Boston from Nina)