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“Follow those who follow something – an idea, a belief, a vision, a cause. Avoid those who need to convince us to follow them.”

Simon Sinek

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Unsubscribe or Subscribe. Your Choice

In today’s world, we can get so wrapped up in all the “noise”. Whether it’s the news, social networks, TV, e-mails, phone calls, etc. But one thing many of us forget is that we have a choice. We can subscribe and we can unsubscribe.

I Took A Stand
An interesting thing happened on Facebook on March 26, the day the Supreme Court began hearings on Prop 8 and DOMA, two issues that are very near and dear to my heart as a gay woman.


When I posted the Human Right Campaign equality logo on the Passion Squared Facebook page, four fans unliked the page. That’s right, I lost four awesome Passionistas that day, who chose to unsubscribe.

Was I sad to lose those fans? Of course. I value every person who chooses to like and follow Passion Squared. Did I understand why? Yes. And I respect the fact that they did not share my beliefs and chose to move on. What was awesome though is Passion Squared found 7 new Passionistas who subscribed to my vision and liked my Facebook page, and for that, I am grateful.

To that which brings value to you and your business.
To the messages that matter to you.
To what you believe in.
To what brings you joy.

To that which does not bring value to you and your business.
To the messages that do not matter to you.
To what you do not believe in.
To what brings you angst.

It’s up to you to create space in your life and business to that which serves you. It’s your choice.

As always, I love to hear your thoughts on this post. Feel free to share in the comments below or directly with me, I’m listening.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)