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4 Steps To Creating + Curating Awesome Content

Purpose driven marketing begins (and ends) with a story. – Me

The daily dilemma is seems for so many marketers today, (and if you are reading this and you own a business or work in one, you are a marketer) is what to share on social platforms. And my answer is always the same, which is with questions back, which I know is so frustrating to many. Why do I ask questions? Because I do not know the answer until I know more about the story you want to tell. And how do you figure that out? Start here…

What is your purpose and promise as a business?
What do your clients and future clients value?
What is your objective for engaging on social platforms?

When you know the answers to the above questions, then go here…

1. Create content that communicates your purpose and promise.

2. Create content that tells authentic stories.

3. Create content that your clients and future clients value.

4. Use hashtags (Instagram) and search tools (Google, Pinterest) to curate content that your clients and future clients value and help you tell your story.

BONUS: Make the client the hero of your story. It’s not about us. It’s always about them. And be human. Human always works.

Here is an example for Passion Squared…

My purpose and promise is empowerment, clarity, truth, authenticity…

My clients are creative small business owners and the people who work in them who are seeking love, inspiration, support, clarity, guidance, comfort, reassurance, stress relief, authenticity + truth.

My content communicates the above through quotes, blogs, newsletters, videos and broadcasts.

The content I curate is from sources that fit my promise, purpose and my story. I would not curate (share) from sources, which I would call off brand; content that is dis-empowering, shaming, bullying, negative, self centered or demeaning.

My objective for engaging is to listen, build relationships, share and connect with humans who need my services.

Yes, you can continue to randomly post content a few days and week and wonder why you have little to no engagement, and why you are having so much trouble building a community of followers, or you can do the work. By the way, this is the same process for creating awesome offline content. So either way, its best to start here.

Want to learn how to create more awesome in your career, life + biz? If you are a creative small biz owner, check out A School for Owners. In A School, you get a ton of love, support + brain food, all in a safe, sacred space.

Love + Awesomeness-


6 Awesome Content Resources

“Every company is its own TV station, magazine, and newspaper.”

Jay Baer


Mike Pittman PhotographyPhoto via Mike Pittman Photography

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you for listening. <3
6 Awesome Content Resources

One of the most common questions I get asked by salon owners is where to find content for their social biz pages. One thing to always remember when creating content (original stuff) or curating content (sharing other people’s stuff) is it must fit your brand, your story, your why and your voice. Always remember, your content is your marketing.

There are so many resources for content, you just need to know where to look. Sometimes, the best content is right where you are standing, in your own salon.

Here are some awesome content resources for you to take a look at.

1. Fashion + Beauty Blogs + Sites
You will almost always find the latest & greatest fashion & beauty content to share with your community on these pages. From the latest celebrity trends, to how-to’s and more. These are some of my faves…

2. Content Curating Sites
Just type in what you are seeking and like magic you will find articles and features. It really is like magic!

3. Pinterest
Search anything you are looking for and I promise, it will be found. Pinterest has awesome fashion, beauty, lifestyle, food, inspiration and more. Just always remember to credit the source so you can stay socially awesome.

4. Manufacturer Partners
For product info, high quality hair & product images turn to your manufacturer partners. They have big budgets and art departments, unlike most of us. Use the beautiful imagery and copywriting they create.

5. Quote Makers
For those of you who have a community looking for inspiration, humor or just love quotes, these are my go-to quote markers for Passion Squared.

6. Your Salon
This is the best resource of all. Before’s and afters, client & stylist features, behind the scenes (BTS) are all typically the most engaging content you can post on your social pages. So download a pic app, get on Instagram and start creating awesome.

And of course, there is always Google.

If you are looking to create awesome in your online and offline marketing, check out my Creating Awesome Workshop created with love by me.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)