My Three Words

My Three Words

“An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.”

Charles Bukowski

My Three Words

I have always been one to keep things simple. And by simple I do not mean easy. There is a big difference. So I guess that makes me an artist, one that is able to make hard things simple. Awesome.

I follow a blogger named Chris Brogan. He is the CEO of Human Business Works, a business design company and is a New York Times bestselling author of The Impact Equation and Trust Agents. I love him. He is an artist of business. And one of my mentors.

Chris created an exercise called My Three Words. It is his process of creating a focus for the coming year. When I read his post, I immediately fell in love with his process and had to share it.

You see, I have always seen things in 3’s (and sometimes 4’s). I love triangles (and squares). Most of my professional life I have created strategies, plans and programs in this way.

My Three Words for 2013
I will hone my skills in order to live my purpose of helping to empower people and businesses through sharing my knowledge and experiences with love.

I will harness my passion for storytelling and stay focused on what makes my soul come alive. And do more of it.

I will honor my promise to myself and others, to do all things with love, authenticity and integrity, to speak my truth and to create art, which in my case is the art of business and personal development and storytelling.

OK, your turn. What are your Three Words? If you feel compelled, click here to share them with me. I would love to see them. If you are feeling really bold, post them on our Facebook page. Or tweet them to @passionsquared2 with the hashtag #mythreewords.

A big shout out of thanks to Chris Brogan, for being so awesome and sharing this exercise with the world. If you want to subscribe to Chris Brogans Blog, click here.

(shared with LOVE from your passionista Nina)