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4 Steps To Creating + Curating Awesome Content

Purpose driven marketing begins (and ends) with a story. – Me

The daily dilemma is seems for so many marketers today, (and if you are reading this and you own a business or work in one, you are a marketer) is what to share on social platforms. And my answer is always the same, which is with questions back, which I know is so frustrating to many. Why do I ask questions? Because I do not know the answer until I know more about the story you want to tell. And how do you figure that out? Start here…

What is your purpose and promise as a business?
What do your clients and future clients value?
What is your objective for engaging on social platforms?

When you know the answers to the above questions, then go here…

1. Create content that communicates your purpose and promise.

2. Create content that tells authentic stories.

3. Create content that your clients and future clients value.

4. Use hashtags (Instagram) and search tools (Google, Pinterest) to curate content that your clients and future clients value and help you tell your story.

BONUS: Make the client the hero of your story. It’s not about us. It’s always about them. And be human. Human always works.

Here is an example for Passion Squared…

My purpose and promise is empowerment, clarity, truth, authenticity…

My clients are creative small business owners and the people who work in them who are seeking love, inspiration, support, clarity, guidance, comfort, reassurance, stress relief, authenticity + truth.

My content communicates the above through quotes, blogs, newsletters, videos and broadcasts.

The content I curate is from sources that fit my promise, purpose and my story. I would not curate (share) from sources, which I would call off brand; content that is dis-empowering, shaming, bullying, negative, self centered or demeaning.

My objective for engaging is to listen, build relationships, share and connect with humans who need my services.

Yes, you can continue to randomly post content a few days and week and wonder why you have little to no engagement, and why you are having so much trouble building a community of followers, or you can do the work. By the way, this is the same process for creating awesome offline content. So either way, its best to start here.

Want to learn how to create more awesome in your career, life + biz? If you are a creative small biz owner, check out A School for Owners. In A School, you get a ton of love, support + brain food, all in a safe, sacred space.

Love + Awesomeness-


3 Ingredients of An Awesome Social Post

3 Ingredients of An Awesome Social Post

“We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.”  May Sarton

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you for listening.

Whether it’s an Instagram shot, a Facebook post, a YouTube video or a blog, there are a few key ingredients to making whatever story you are telling awesome!

1. Make it Relevant
When people choose to follow us, it is because they have decided there is something of value we have that they want. We must take those follows seriously, and stay focused on delivering the value they came for. That means keeping our content and stories relevant. Focus on value. How are you delivering value?

Example: As Passion Squared, people do not come to me for technical cutting skills or workouts (lol) no, they come to me for information on business, career, personal development and empowerment. Thus, my storytelling and content remain relevant to that which my community desires.

2. Make it Human
This is probably where most get stuck, and in working with my clients and A School coaching groups, it is by far the biggest obstacle. “I don’t know what to post” is what I hear most often. This is a symptom of two things… One is you are not yet clear on your brand story, thus you have no clear content plan. So always start there. What does your community value? What is your brand story? Connect those two dots and you are on your way. Number two is, you are trying WAY too hard. Social means just that, social, so be social. Be human. Keep it real. Keep it authentic. Keep it conversational. Keep it consistent. People will respond. I promise.

Example: I post pics of my dogs all the time; they are part of my brand story. However, one day, I chose to not only post a pic of my rescue Faith, but also tell the very personal and human story as to why I named her Faith. It was the most liked dog pic I have ever posted. Get it? Good!

3. Make it Visual
And by visual, I mean awesome visuals. Graphics. Clean. Clear. Awesome. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. If you don’t know how to make things visually awesome, practice. Take 10 photos for every post, make sure the lighting is good, background clean, subject awesome. Practice. Practice. Practice. If you are making word graphics, there are a ton of apps and tools to make that happen. I love and WordSwag, just to name a couple.

Example: I wrote a blog post a few weeks back about 5 lessons I learned from my beauty school experience. It was recently shared on a major beauty industry distributor Facebook page, and went NUTS! And by nuts I mean over 1000 clicks. Why? It was relevant, #1, it was visual, it featured a picture from 1987 of me, in beauty school, lol. And once people clicked, it was most definitely human.

So now it’s your turn. Take a look at your social content, and use this list as a way to measure your current content. It is stacking up? Are you getting the engagement you wish? This is a good place to start.

Love + Awesomeness-



6 Ways To Share Your Story On The Web

“If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.”

 Rudyard Kipling


Here is the audio version of the post if reading is not your thing. Enjoy!
6 Ways To Share Your Story On The Web

One of the most common questions I am asked by salon owners and artists is “what” they should be posting on their social platforms. My question back is almost always “why” are you posting in the first place.

When we start with why (thank you Simon Sinek), the what and how begins to flow so much more naturally.

Think of your content as your marketing, your story, your voice and your experience and all of a sudden, content creation becomes a creative and fun process, not a daunting one as many have told me it is.

Here are 6 ways to share your story on the Web…

1. About Section
The very overlooked yet super important area to share your story.

2. Before’s & After’s
One of the most engaging ways to share your work, tell a hair story and recognize your team & clients.

3. Behind The Scenes
We all have this incredible desire to see what goes on behind the scenes of our fave brands.

4. Education
If part of your why is your passion for technical excellence, share the hair shows, workshops and advanced education stories with me.

5. Giving Back
Is giving back part of your story? Sharing your charitable events is a great way to show me.

6. Shout Outs
One of our most basic human needs is the need to be recognized. Saying thank you to clients, recognizing a milestone in a team members life or career, or featuring another local business is one of the most powerful ways to engage.

So remember, always start with why. When you have that down, you can begin to create compelling, authentic and powerful content for your social pages.

Have questions? Want to share your story with me? I’m listening.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)


This Is Your Life

“Life is short, live your dream and share your passion.”

The Holstee Manifesto


the-holstee-manifesto(image discovered on Holstee website)

(n) man·i·fes·to
A written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer.

Nearly all of us have seen this image floating around our social pages.  But what many of you may not know is the story behind the Holstee Manifesto, which has been shared over 500,000 times and viewed 60 million times online. It started as an idea for a different kind of clothing company, in the height of the recession in May 2009.  The rest, as they say, is history.

A manifesto is a story.  A statement of values and beliefs.  And as we have talked about several times in our blog, webinars and workshops, people buy stories, not things.  Will your story go viral and ignite 500,000 shares and an online business? Who knows. Is it worth taking some time to create yours? Absolutely.

So you may be thinking, isn’t this the same thing as a mission statement? No. Let’s be honest, most mission statements are lame, stale, passionless and old school.  Manifestos are the new mission statement.  They are real, authentic, emotional, relevant, public and immersed in passion.  They are stories. Not just words typed on a piece of paper and filed away.

What is your manifesto? Are your team and clients aware of it? Do you share it on your website, social pages, in your salon or business, your communications and materials?

If you are looking for guidance and inspiration to create your story, we offer one-on-one mentoring to help you craft the ultimate manifesto.  Click here to inquire about our programs.  We are super excited to be part of your growth and success.

(shared with LOVE from your passionistas Nina + Gordon)

Once Upon A Time

“I realized the importance of having a story today is what really separates companies.  People don’t just wear our shoes, they tell our story.”

Blake Mycoskie, CEO, Tom’s Shoes


What an awesome illustration of the power of social platforms and how, through pictures and videos, we can tell our stories.  Something to really think about when we create and curate content for our business on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, etc…

How are you telling your brand, salon, company stories through pictures and videos on the social web?

We offer one-on-one mentoring to help you shape your story and develop your brand.  Click here to share your goals + challenges with us, and to see if our mentoring program is right for you.

(discovered on Pinterest and shared with LOVE from your passionistas Nina + Gordon)