The Social Awesomeness Manifesto

The Social Awesomeness Manifesto

“Always be yourself. Unless you are a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn.”


The Social Awesomeness Manifesto

Here is an audio recording of this post. Thank you for listening. <3
The Social Aweseomeness Manifesto

The world has changed. And change can sometimes mess people up. As an artist of business, with a huge passion for engaging, I created a manifesto of sorts for those seeking some guidance on how to be socially awesome on social platforms. I like many am not one for rules, but I dig manifesto’s, so I made one.

One thing I really think we need to understand is this is real life. The new real world. The same “rules” apply online as they do offline. So when in doubt, just remember this is about people. And I know you know to engage with people. It’s what you do every day.

A Squared
Be awesome. Be authentic. I am smart, at least that is what my mama told me. I can see right through you. Do you. Keep it real. And I promise to do the same.

Caring Matters
If you cannot or do not care to listen, engage, respond and reply, you are not ready to engage in the social space. If I ask you a question, I will be waiting for an answer. If I give you a shout out, a simple thank you goes a long way.

Chill On The CAPS LOCK
You really think I want to engage when I am being yelled at? Does anyone want to listen when being yelled at? No. Be cool, chill on the caps lock.

Nobody Likes A Litterbug
Spamming my wall with your product, event or political agenda only makes me want to hide you, delete you or block you. And I love you, so please be mindful of littering on my wall. If you ask nicely, and are offering something I believe in or see value in, then trust, I will share it, buy it, or like it.

Don’t Bleed The Feed
Whether its Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram, be mindful that when you post 17 pics of your dog, baby, Starbucks, etc. in a row I may get hostile and stop following you or hide you. Same goes for hitting the share button. Post. Then chill.  Share. Then chill. Inspired by the awesome Instagram i love you vid by Casey Neistat.

Link Love
If you are trying to lead me somewhere, like your website, event, your salon, or a blog post, please include the URL, phone number, email, Morse code, whatever in your post. It’s super helpful if you actually want me to do something.

Check One Check Two
And while we are on the topic of links, check your links on your social pages. If you are a business, and you want me to check you out, working links (on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, YELP, etc.) will get me to you much faster. In fact, if your link does not work, you may have lost me, forever.

Hide And Seek Is Fun But…
If you are a human, please share that with me in your About section on your social + digital pages, profiles, etc. The Internet may seem like a super secret shield, but if you are hiding from me I will be scared and hide from you too. Marketing is about stories. Tell me one.

Sharing Is Caring
But taking credit for someone else’s stuff is lame. If you see something that inspires you, and you know the source, like someone else’s page, just hit the share button (or repin, or #repost #regram) and credit the source. It’s good karma. And the right thing to do.

Quote This
If a quote came from you, awesome and congrats. If it came from someone else, like Thomas Edison or someone cool like that then give them credit. If you don’t know, Google it. If anyone reading this knows who created the unicorn quote, please share, I have Googled for days, but no luck so far.

To be continued…

Have something awesome to add? Know someone who is socially awesome? Please share in the comments below or with me, I’m listening and I care.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)