Your Salon Social Media Content Is Your Marketing

Your content is your marketing

Every photo, video, caption, like, comment, and share is connecting you to your salon clients or disconnecting you from them. When you have clarity of your salon brand story, you also simplify your salon content creation.

Aligning your social media marketing with this narrative is the key to resonating with your target audience or what we call ‘brand people’. This alignment goes beyond aesthetics or your brand identity; it’s a strategic choice that extends to how you price your services and products. By understanding this intricate web, you’ll gain clarity, allowing you to make informed and aligned decisions and navigate building and growing your salon brand with purpose.

Let’s look at an example of content, context, and aligning that with your salon brand. The image below is my sweet baby Courage. This picture could have several different meanings, thus, it’s important to provide “context” which in this example would be a caption.

I decided for this example to make this a message about our Salon Animal Agreement, or what some would call a policy. I prefer the word Agreement as it indicates shared responsibility, versus being a one-sided rule, which we all know how most folks feel about rules, lol. Ok, back to the lesson. So the context here is the caption, which is written in alignment with our salon brand story, and uses our Content Framework below;

Content Framework
1. Who is this content for?
2. What problem is this content solving?
3. How does this content add value for the clients, teams, or tenants I serve or want to serve?
4. What feeling do I want to inspire?
5. Is this content aligned with my brand story?
6. What result or action am I seeking?

Now, if I was feeling resentful, in a rush, and didn’t have clarity of my brand story, I may instead post something like the example on the right below.
How did the message on the left feel versus the message on the right? It matters because your current and potential future salon clients are listening.

This is just one of many tools and strategies inside the Creating Your Awesome Brand, a complete course for beauty professionals. Because when you have clarity around your salon brand, you have a strong foundation to make more aligned decisions, save a ton of time, money, and energy, and feel more confidence, courage, and joy. Click here to learn more.

Much love, in service to you-
