Why Heroes?

he-ro (n)
a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for brave deeds and noble qualities.

Today perhaps more than ever, heroes matter. They help us to find our way in a complicated and sometimes confusing personal and professional world.

They offer up context to help us know how we fit in and serve as examples to show us the possibilities of the path we have chosen.

Our list of heroes is thankfully long and varied and likely somewhat different than yours; but if we were to guess just one name we likely share with most, we’d guess it would belong to the guy in the photo below – the first of many we look forward to sharing.




“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.”

Vidal Sassoon

Vidal Sassoon is the hairdressers’ hairdresser’; the artists’ artist; our industry icons’ icon. Sassoon worked his way to success from 1940’s “shampoo boy” to a household name by the late 1960’s.

He went on to define the salon in its most modern incarnation. He brought incredible cred to the art and craft of hairdressing. He helped to create a revolution in how hair was understood and done – by professionals and for the women who depend on and adore them.

He believed – in the power of hairdressers to change the lives of clients in transformative ways and, in doing so, change themselves for the better.

Since “retiring” following the sale of his namesake salons, academies and products in the 1980’s, he has continued to serve as a role model for professionals around the world.

Today, Vidal uses his position in the public eye and considerable wealth to do good as a humanitarian and unofficial goodwill ambassador for the salon industry to the world.

Some 70 years after walking into his first salon, no name is more synonymous worldwide with the art and business of hair than that of Vidal Sassoon.

We heart Vidal.










(photos from Phase 4 Films , Vidal Sassoon The Movie)


Why Social?

“Social Media isn’t a fad, it’s a fundamental shift in the way we communicate.”

Eric Qualman

Why the Social Web? Because just like your salons, its about people.

Today, “90% of consumers trust peer recommendations” (what we know as word of mouth, referrals and long considered the key in driving traffic and growing our business). And if the social web is “Word of Mouth on Steroids”, then we believe you will want to be there, in a authentic & meaningful way.

Competition for clients has never been greater – and social web provides individuals and businesses with powerful (and affordable) tools, platforms and programs that level the relationship & engagement playing field between very large companies, the very small (and all in-between).

As the social revolution continues and the reach grows exponentially, the social web is becoming increasingly “local”.  Yelp, Foursquare, and now Facebook (even more so by way of Timeline) are leveraging their massive consumer reach to better serve the needs of consumers locally while helping small businesses tap into where most buying power lives -within a few miles of home -and your salon.

Said best by Jay Baer (Social Media Speaker, Author, and Coach) and we believe this to be true- “Focus on how to be social, not do social”.

The Power of Passion







Welcome to Passion Squared – the Blog.
We are Nina and Gordon, two kindred yet unlikely to connect souls who have come together out of our shared passion for hairdressers, any and all who work in salons and spas, and the larger business we all call “beauty”.  What started as a casual discussion long ago has turned into our ultimate passion project, Passion Squared.

(y)Our Blog
This is (y)our 24/7 resource – a place for us to share (y)Our favorite empowering stories and best practices to help you GROW.  Inspired opportunities to GIVE back to our communities (professionally and personally) to make a difference in the world around us. To connect with role models and everyday HEROES.  Sharing some big WOW’s, those often unexpected “OMG’s” that can make (y)Our days.  This is also a place to share important online resources – a growing list of inspired websites and blogs as well as “must have” information from (y)Our world of beauty.

OUR Thanks
Without the collective YOU, there would be no Passion Squared – and for that (and so much more!), we thank you.  We are honored and excited to be a part of your world and look forward to sharing ours with you – in other words, we cant wait to play, be inspired and empowered together.



“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”

Joseph Campbell

Heroes inform and inspire us – and come to us in many forms. From beauty icons and some of (y)our favorite brands to hard working professionals and those living quiet yet extraordinary lives, we are honored to share some of our heroes with you here.


“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”

Winston Churchill

Giving is at the heart of the pro beauty DNA –whether it’s the giving of self in the service of others or sharing some of what you’ve got so that others can have a better life.  Here’s where we share our passion for the power of giving to transform lives and make the world a better place.