In this episode, Nina invites you to dismantle a decades-old narrative about salon “retailing”. The truth is, your clients come to you because of your professional experience and expertise which includes how to maintain their hair, skin, etc at home. The purpose and objective of educating your clients and recommending home care products and tools are to ensure your clients are happy. The outcome of happy clients is a happy business, which includes additional revenue. Money is not the objective, however, it can be one of the outcomes. If you choose not to educate your clients, you cannot get mad when they seek that education elsewhere, be it the drugstore aisle, Amazon, YouTube, or TikTok. You can find the most recent post we discussed in this episode here. You can find us on the web at and on the socials @passionsquared Thank you so much for listening!
Your experience matters. We would be so grateful if you shared your experience with our podcast by leaving a review wherever you enjoy your podcasts. It matters to us, and so do you. Thank you- Nina
In this episode, I share my process and experience of saying yes to a trip to Los Angeles for a special event and all the feelings I had, and the lessons I picked up along the way. This is a story of identifying new traumas, not feeling ready, the healing that comes with feeling your feelings, determination, finding hope again, and celebrating every step, literally and figuratively. A big shout-out of gratitude to David and Alexis Thurston of Danger Jones and every human I was honored to connect with at the event for your trust, compassion, grace, and love. Thank you for being part of my healing. You can find Nina on the socials @passionsquared and on the web at Thank you so much for listening. Here comes the sun!
Your experience matters. We would be so grateful if you shared your experience with our podcast by leaving a review wherever you enjoy your podcasts. It matters to us, and so do you. Thank you- Nina