5 Steps To Creating #InstaAwesome

5 Steps To Creating #InstaAwesome

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” Dale Carnegie

Ok, so I am pretty sure you do not need convincing that Instagram is the platform of the moment for so many people and businesses. And by that I mean, the impact of relationship and biz building for creative small businesses and the humans who lead them and work in them. #fact

But there are still so many myths and misconceptions on how to create awesome with the platform so I thought I would share what I know to be true and where to begin… And yes, I have written about this many times, and yes, I believe it cannot be repeated enough. So here we go…

First and foremost, as with any platform, we always start with why, as the great Simon Sinek says. The objective. As in, why are we engaging on Instagram and why does anyone care? Instead of focusing on followers, focus on creating value, consistently. Yes, consistently. Let me say that one more time, consistently.

1. What is your story?
People respond to stories. Brands and businesses tell stories. What is yours? And while we are on that topic, what is in your about section? It matters. Why are you, who are you, and how do I connect with you?

2. What value will you bring to the conversation?
Listen more than you talk. But when you do talk, what value are you bringing to the table? This is not about self-promotion, it is about creating value.

3. What will your theme be?
All the best Insta’s have a theme. A look. A feel. A vibe. They exude energy. And your theme needs to be consistent with your brand identity. Your overall brand look and feel.

4. What hashtags will you use to connect, engage and become more discoverable?
Yes use hashtags, even more important, use them consistently. Unless you are Beyoncé, then clearly there is no need, we will seek you out. But if you are not Beyoncé, here are the general guidelines for local businesses…

a. Use popular hashtags that are consistent with your content and story. i.e. #ombre #braids #bridalhair #fitspo #athlete
b. Use branded hashtag, always. In my case, its #passionsquared
c. Use your local hashtags. In Portland, its #PDX, in Downtown LA, its #DTLA, find yours by searching hashtags on Insta or Google it.

5. How much time are you willing to invest in building relationships, engaging, and content creation?
Ok, this is where the pro’s and amateurs divide. If you are serious about building relationships, engaging, and listening, then you will invest the time. Period. How much? It depends on your content and engagement plan. I spend 2+ hours a day on Instagram. It is my primary social platform. And yes, a majority of my referrals come from Instagram. Is there a secret? Nope.

When capturing, creating and posting content, please keep these things in mind…
Take a gazillion photos so you can choose the best one. One photo is not enough. How many are enough? You will know when you get the money shot.

Only post quality stuff. Really, did Nina just say that? Duh. Yes, I did, cause it needs to be said.

What do I mean by quality stuff? Lighting, Background, Detail, Clarity

Want to see how some others are doing it? Follow these passionate and talented humans. And look for themes, quality, consistency, storytelling, backgrounds, lighting, clarity, and detail. And educated eye and is an awesome eye. And why do I share these? Because I know for a fact Instagram has helped empower their biz + their lives. And I only work with facts. Not hype. Not theory. Simply facts.


And of course, @passionsquared

Love + Awesomeness-


A Land With No Starbucks

A Land With No Starbucks

“Sometimes we are so focused on the things we want, we miss out on the things we need.” Unknown

When I first saw my new favorite place on Facebook, the home of my Aunt & Uncle, I had no idea if I would ever get there, nor less did I know the impact it would have on my state of being.

You see, I have been so wrapped up in life, and moreover, my business, and have not had a real “off the grid” break in years.

So when the opportunity arose, my Uncles surprise birthday party, and knowing I would get to see a big part of my East Coast family, I was all in. No, it was not the ideal time to take off, no, it was not in my budget, but yes, it was the best decision I have made in a long time.

Little did I know, I would be arriving in the land of no Starbucks (or Coffee Bean, or Uber, or cell service) and boy, what a shock to my system that was.

Many of us get so hung up in what we want, or think we want, or think we need, that we can lose sight of what we really need; love, connection, family, air, reflection, relationships, you know, the stuff that matters.

So how does one live in the land with no Starbucks? Simply. And beautifully. And purposefully.

While I did prepare a bit by bringing my travel French press, I did not have any espresso to put in it. Thankfully, my cousin was in a much more populated area when I inboxed her asked if she could stop by Starbucks so at least I could have my morning espresso, and she graciously obliged my addiction.

But my routine of what I think I need and want went sideways from there. What do you do when you cannot make a phone call? Or have no wireless connection or limited connection? You breathe. That’s what.

Many forget the day of having nether of those things, and yes, we all survived. Generations of awesome humans survived with far less than what is available to us today. And while I LOVE the social + digital web, as being a core of my business, and love how it can empower the people I love, I realized how much we are tethered to our devices, and missing out on so many beautiful things, like life.

I am not one to say put down your devices, I would never and will never believe in that, but what I do know now is that we all need to disconnect. And I can speak for “us all” as I work with people every day who are stressed, filled with anxiety, “too busy” to do important things, overwhelmed, etc.

Think of it this way and play a little game that goes like this…
Want: Starbucks + cell service
Need: Rest + recharging our batteries

Want: To do everything on my to-do list today
Need: To create awesome, quality work

Here is my challenge to you (and to me). Put down your devices. One a week, or a few times a month. And if you cannot seem to disconnect on your own, travel a few times a year to a place you are forced to, like I was, and just be present. Look up. Look around. You will not even believe how beautiful a land with no Starbucks can be.

Love + Awesomeness-


PS: A huge shout out of love + gratitude to my entire East Coast fam for making my week “off the grid” so awesome. I love you all so very much and cannot wait to come back (travel French press included)!


In this weeks episode of #QandAwesome I answer a very thought provoking question about who to listen to. The most important part of this answer is context. People who have context, beyond their own personal experience, who align with your sensibilities and those who have what you want are ones to look at. Thanks for watching!

Are You Listening?

Are You Really Listening?

“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.” Ernest Hemingway

Listening. A lost art? I don’t think so. But I do think many are not quite getting how important it is on social platforms and how many messages and opportunities there are to build relationships, offer solutions and learn.

Nearly every thing I do in business is strategic. Authentic, but strategic. I am a businesswoman. I build people who build businesses, including my own. And as a businessperson, you must begin to learn how to listen and be strategic to if you want to create more awesome.

So here is how the story goes…

I posted the pic above last week with the caption… “Missing my lash extensions + needing a laugh at the moment.” There was a not so hidden message to those who were listening.

The most telling thing was, out of 280 likes and 74 comments, only ONE person reached out to me about their lash services & products. ONE. Only ONE awesome human really listened and read this post strategically, and said to themselves…. “Hmmmmmmm… sounds like Nina is craving some lash services. Maybe I should reach out to her.”

This is social listening at its finest. Not spamming. Not attention seeking. Not self-serving. None of those. It was all listening. Seeing a need or problem. And providing a solution.

Think about it. What would happen if you spent more time on social platforms listening than talking? What would you learn? A lot. I promise. Try it. Then let me know how it goes. I’m listening.

Love + Awesomeness-


Solutions + Scarifices hd

Solutions + Sacrifices

“Every solution to every problem is simple. It’s the distance between the two where the mystery lies.” Derek Landy

Oh, isn’t life funny… Just when we think we have it all figured out, a situation sneaks up on us and surprises the heck out of us. Well, maybe it’s just me, but I had a big one just happen that I felt compelled to share. There is such a big lesson in it for me, which means maybe there is one for you too?

Whether it be in business or in life, we face problems every single day, well, to be honest, maybe every single hour. Where the awesomeness comes in is in how well we can identify the actual problem, and find a solution and keep pushing. The joys of creative small business ownership. Ahhhhh..

So here is how the story goes…

I have spoken a few times; well maybe more than a few, about my rescue dog Faith. She is special in that she is the most kind, gentle, loving, sweet but very scared, anxious and timid. She clearly was very much abused as a baby, as I have been with her since she was only 3 months old.

Once we moved to downtown Los Angeles, she began to become even more fearful. It began well, and then deteriorated quickly. I was at a compete loss. I brought in experts, doctors, dog whisperers, trainers, and the whole nine. She began to get better and better. So much so that I signed another year lease on my loft.

Then in late January, her brother Zen became very ill, and it was traumatizing to the entire family. And from there, she began to decline, quickly. In and out of the hospital with Zen nearly every few weeks it seemed became more and more difficult for all of us. And Faith kept getting worse. She did not want to leave the loft, and cowered the second she walked onto the sidewalks outside, in fact, many days, she needed to be carried. She began to lose weight, and was just miserable.

Meanwhile, my heart continued to break. Guilt, sadness, shame, confusion… and so many sleepless nights, wondering what the heck I was going to do. Months went by, and I just could not figure out how to care for Zen, who now has a terminal diagnosis, and ensure Faith was living the happy life she deserved. I was at a complete loss.

One thing I knew for sure, I would need to create a plan to move. To move out of the city, to a space that I was hopeful would be awesome for her. But that was not going to be happening anytime in the immediate future, like I just cannot move today, so still, at a complete loss and feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. And more guilt, one of the worst, non-productive emotions out there.

Every 4th of July, I always get out of the city, as Faith has always been deathly afraid of fireworks. So last week, I packed up my babies and myself and headed south, to San Diego County where both my Mom and Stepmom live. Ahhhhhh, we would finally get a few days away from the noise and Faith could get a reprieve, if only for a few days. Then it hit me…. Like a ton of bricks… Like OMG, how could I have not seen this before? Like wow.

My Stepmother has a three-acre ranch, she has three loving dogs and horses and so much space to play and roam. She is home nearly every day, and her entire live revolves around her animals. And she LOVES Faith. She also just recently lost one of her dogs unexpectedly to a terrible illness and has been heartbroken ever since. Do you see where this is going?

The solution was always available to me. It has been there this entire time. And I did not see it. I did not see it because I was not willing to see it. Because in seeing it, that meant I would have to sacrifice something, me. My emotions. My heart. My guilt. My belief system that said “my sweet rescue for sure would never be OK away from her Mommy”… a very self-centered yet common line of reasoning. But it was not in the best interest of Faith. I was so focused on how I would feel, I never once even thought about all the options that were available to me. I was too deep in the problem.

You see, the solution is always there. It’s closer than you think. Than I think. Than we think. But it may take sacrifice. Whether it be sacrifice in comfort, not wanting to have a tough discussion, admitting we made a mistake, pride, ego, defiance, confusion, whatever. But I promise you; the solution is closer than you think. Way closer. It actually may be literally right in front of you. Or in my case, a few hours south in San Diego County.

I am not new to sacrifice; in fact, the last six years it could have been my middle name. I sacrificed a career, financial security and nearly all my material belongings to live a life of purpose, awesomeness and authenticity. To create a life of meaning, in my case, took a ton of sacrifice. And in looking back, I would do it all over again to be in the place I am today; grounded, at peace, fulfilled, and living a life of service + awesomeness.

I am happy to say, while I am missing my Faith so very very much, she is incredibly happy, happier than she has been in a long time. And Zen and I, well, we are good too, taking life one day at a time, and yes, working on finding a new space to call home in hopes that Faith will want to come back to us someday soon. The thing is though… I will be OK either way, because I can see clearly now. I found the solution. It was always there. It just took some time to see it.

Love + Awesomeness-
