Thank You. You’re Welcome.
“We are completely underestimating the value of thank you and you’re welcome.”
Gary Vaynerchuk, author of The Thank You Economy
Thank you. Two simple words that may possibly be the most important to your business. And in this week of giving thanks, we all need a little reminder about the power of thank you.
A Passion for Caring
If you have spent any time on PassionSquaredTV, you have seen his highly charged, passionate videos on the future of business, about caring, about giving a sh*t. If you have not watched his videos, we recommend you do, they are thought provoking & loaded with awesome insights into the social + digital revolution and what it’s really all about. We heart him, f-bombs and all!
As Our World Goes All Jetsons
In The Thank You Economy, Gary speaks directly to how businesses must get into a mindset of gratitude, of caring, of coming from a place of thanks, just like the good old days. He speaks to how consumers are demanding more connection, value and relationships from the people they choose to do business with. Gary says, “As our world goes all “Jetsons” the opportunity for people and businesses is to go all “flintstones.” And since many of us either grew up watching both, or have seen re-runs, we know exactly what that means.
Quotes from The Thank You Economy
“It’s not about the budget, it’s about the creativity and the caring.”
“Be driven by gratitude.”
“It’s not the number of followers… , it’s the strength of your bond with your followers that indicates how much anyone cares about what you have to say.”
The Thank You Economy
is all about the power of caring, engaging, giving a sh*t and how businesses and brands that get it will thrive in the new social economy! Awesome. We heart and highly recommend.
You can find Gary on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and by visiting his website here Gary Vaynerchuk.
(shared with LOVE + GRATITUDE from your passionistas Nina + Gordon)
Pinterest for Business Step-By-Step
“The artist lives to have stories to tell and to learn to tell them well.”
Criss Jami
One thing we can always count on in the social + digital world is change. For those of you who are addicted to Pinterest and are using it for your business, you will be happy to know that Pinterest just launched Business Pages. Here is a super easy step-by-step for you.
Step One
Go to If you want to change your existing page, select “Convert Existing Account”. If you want to start a new business page, select “Join As A Business”.
Step Two
Fill in all of your business information. If you are converting an account, it will look different. We will get to that in the next step.

Step Three
If you are converting an existing account, this is what it will look like. First, you select your business type, for salons, choose local business. For session stylists, beauty bloggers, etc choose professional. You now have an opportunity to edit your profile, change your business name, About section, user name etc.
HINT: User names are your unique URL, so we suggest if possible, it be the exact name of your business. This helps with becoming more discoverable on the web, big time!
Step Four
We now have the opportunity to “verify” our websites. This allows for your actual website URL to be featured on your page.
HINT: We highly recommend you have a super smart person do this, or what some people call the “IT” guy or girl. For those of us with WordPress blog sites, there is a way to verify, but again, its takes a IT person. We have our IT friends doing ours this week.
Step Five
While you have your super smart IT guy or girl, have them add the “widgets” you want to your website. Pinterest has added some cool new ones. All of these widgets are designed to increase engagement and connections. Super cool.
Step Six
Celebrate and keep pinning your passions! And be sure to thank your super smart IT friend for the help.
If you want to learn more about Pinterest, check out our webinar posted on PassionSquaredTV.
We also offer one-on-one mentoring in the world of social, digital, marketing and branding. If that sounds like your thing, click here to connect with us.
You can find us on Pinterest @
(shared with LOVE from your passionistas Nina + Gordon)
Are You There Salon? It’s Me Client.
“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
André Gide
SEO, made simple.
Many times, terminology can really mess up a persons day. In this case, for me, its the term SEO (search engine optimization). My motto is why use a big complicated word when you can use one that people understand? Isn’t that the point? Sometimes I think not. So, anyway, to us, all SEO really means is DISCOVERY. When clients or customers are looking for a service or product, can they easily find you on the web?
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist (even though they are super cool).
The goal is to be discoverable, whether it’s you as an individual, a salon or a brand. The way to be more discoverable is to have an active, engaging and relevant social + digital footprint. That means Facebook, YELP, YouTube, etc. Easy, right?
Not all platforms are created equal.
If you are a salon or stylist, the most discoverable platforms for you are YELP, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, online booking and marketing platforms such as Schedulicity or a communication/review platforms such as Demandforce and your website or blogsite such as WordPress or Tumblr. If you are a brand, it’s your website, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and a blogsite such as WordPress or Tumblr. If you are super active on Twitter, its a great platform for discovery, which our industry as a whole is not at this point.
My love don’t cost a thing.
Now, there is a way to pay for discovery (paid search), such as Google ads and Facebook ads, and while we believe in both of these for certain businesses and objectives, the great news is if you are active on the platforms above with relevant, engaging and consistent content, your discovery will be organic (un-paid search), meaning, its free.
So there you have it. Now back to the original question, are you DISCOVERABLE?
While there is much more to learn about discovery and more pieces to the puzzle, the above is the most important to understand for a small business. To learn how to become more discoverable, ask us about The Social Beauty Intelligence Check-Up, a super cool service we provide to expand your social + digital IQ. We also offer one-on-one mentoring if that’s more your thing. Click here for more info.
(shared with LOVE from your passionista Nina)
Simple Is Smart
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
Leonardo da Vinci