PS: I know you likes your post.

PS: I Know You Liked Your Post

“Focus on how to be social, not do social.”

Jay Baer



Liking Your Own Posts?

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you so much for listening.

So I asked a very simple question last week on Facebook and Instagram, thinking I would get a pretty straightforward answer. “Is it OK to like our own posts on Facebook, Instagram or any other social platforms?” I applaud all those who courageously shared their thoughts. Thank you!

Now I could have been more clear, I was speaking about business pages and posts, not personal. So this post is about business pages and my professional view is based on countless hours of engaging myself, reading, researching, following respected leaders in the space, and watching my own and my clients behaviors and analytics.

The short answer
No, there is no need for your business to like its own posts. And if people are paying attention, it looks kinda lame and desperate.

The longer answer
Why Are We Even There?
The purpose of engaging on social platforms for business is to share, engage, listen, build relationships and create connections. Based on the objectives of the business being on a social platform, those actions could result in increased traffic to your website, referrals and revenue.

How Can We Create More Engagement?
1. Sharing your business posts to your personal pages (if the target audience is similar) can increase engagement on Facebook, since personal pages seem to show up more in the news feed than business pages.

2. Creating a content strategy that creates value for your followers.

3. Posting consistently and often. How often? It depends on your audience. And only trying different approaches and measuring them will give you that answer.

In the end, the goal is not to try to game the system, the goal is to create relevant, meaningful content that adds value to your community. Whether its on Facebook, Instagram, a blog or e-newsletter.

We move towards what we focus on. So instead of focusing on likes or being seen, I say we focus on how we can be of service to the humans that choose to follow us and listen to us. And liking your own post just does not fit into that.

What are your thoughts? Please share your comments below, or on Facebook, and of course, you can always inbox me. I’m listening.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)


4 Awesome Content Creation Tools

“Create something people want to share.” John Jantsch

(originally posted May 19th, 2014)

Your content is your marketing. Both online and off. I have said it what seems like a thousand times since starting Passion Squared. And the question I get over and over again is how in the heck do I create content?

Before we dive into the tools I use the most and think are the most awesome, lets begin at the beginning.

1. Your content needs to tell a story.
2. It needs to be compelling and relevant to your community, clients, and audience.
3. It needs to be consistent with your brand why, promise, story and image.
4. It needs to be quality.
5. It needs to be easy to share.

The best content you can create as a service business to share on your social platforms is happening everyday around you. Whether you are in beauty or wellness, you are connecting with clients, seeing results, playing with your team, and creating experiences, all of which are perfect opportunities to capture those moments, on film. And by film, I mean your phone. If its important to you, you will do it. Just like anything.

Here are my 4 most awesome content creation tools…

1. Pic Stitch App
Pic Stitch
I love Pic Stitch because it is the tool that creates before’s and afters and allows us the ability to tell a story through a collage of photos. Before’s and afters are still the most popular pieces of content I have seen work on Facebook and Instagram. But it can also be used to show a style and products, different angles of a cut, a smoothie recipe with the ingredients, etc. You can even brand these pics by using your logo in one of the boxes. #awesome

2. Flipagram App


We all know that video can be SUPER engaging, and what I love about Flipagram is that we can make “videos” with music. Simply using photos in our phone, and music from our iTunes. These are great for creating Instavids, the 15 second videos on Instagram and for auto-posting to Facebook. I have seen some of my highest engagement numbers when using this tool. And, the bonus, we can add our logo into the “slide show” to create branded content. #awesome

3. Pic Monkey

Pic Monkey
This is my go-to platform to create all my morning quote posts. Once you create a branded template, or picture, you simply import it into Pic Monkey and type away. There is a paid version with more fonts and options, and a free version which is what I use. Again, branding is key here, so find a great designer to create the templates for you if you are not skilled in that area, like me.

4. Canva


My latest obsession! I love Canva so much and just began working with it. It has pre sized templates for Facebook posts, cover images, Instagram, Pinterest and more. There are free graphics and paid graphics you can use. Their font selection is not my fave, but I am sure they will be adding more. I created my latest Facebook cover photo using Canva, by simply choosing the Facebook cover photo template, importing The Weekly Dose of Awesome logo, and choosing a white background. #awesome

So, first things first. Create a plan tied to your objectives. Then begin creating. Then share. Then measure.

And most importantly, if you want to create compelling and relevant content, engage a designer to help you create templates, to size your logo properly and even in some cases, create your content. And if you are thinking you can’t afford it, I am telling you, you cannot afford not to if you want to create awesome in your marketing. Think about it like this… As a hairdresser, you get pretty worked up when people do their hair at home, think about how the designers of the world feel when they see crappy graphics.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)

UPDATE on September 24, 2016
I still use these tools weekly except Flipagram. I’ve added Diptic, Afterlight, WordSwag and PicPlayPost to my go to faves. The point is, some things never change, and some things evolve, just like biz + life. #awesome

30 Seconds To Mars Concert

My Night With Jared Leto

“If you are willing to walk the path of a dreamer, then anything is possible.”

Jared Leto


30 Seconds To Mars Concert

                                       (images via Jared Leto Instagram, follow him, cause he’s awesome!)

Here is the audio version of this post, thank you so much for listening.

So yes, this happened. My awesome Sis Lisa got tickets to see Jared as an early birthday present to me. I mean, wow. Best Sis ever, right? This post is about my night, and actually, my recent love affair with the human that is Jared Leto.

The Leto Experience
I have been a kinda fan of his for a while. But I became a mega fan when I watched his awesome doc Artifact. I mean to be honest, I think I have watched it a gazillion times. And each time I cry. So there’s that. And his performance in Dallas Buyers Club, OMG. No words really except for the fact that I lost some of the most awesome humans during those times in the 80’s to AIDS, and the story touched deep in my heart. So when Jared won the Oscar, well, you can only imagine my emotions, and yes, I cried.

So, to be able to see him live, I wondered if my love affair with him from afar would become stronger after seeing him LIVE. Well, of course, the answer is YES, squared!

What is it about him that I am so obsessed with? His humanity. Yes, he is a #megababe, but that is not what it is. He is real. He is authentic. He connects. He creates. He engages. He cares. He is vulnerable. He dreams. He is imperfect. He is passion. He is love.

As I sat at the Hollywood Bowl that night, having a panic attack, which is another blog, I knew I had to get incredibly focused as to not lose my s#%t! So I choose to focus intently on him. On his dialogue. On his energy. On how he connected with the audience. And again, I cried.

Authenticity + Transparency
In a world craving transparency and authenticity, to experience Jared Leto LIVE confirmed to me that the true way to make a difference in the lives of others is to truly care. To authentically & passionately connect and engage. To be whole. Not one person on Instagram and another at a concert.

At the end of their set, he shared with the audience that the band would be at their merch tent signing CD’s for as long as they could. Are you kidding me? An Oscar winner? A mega rock star? Signing CD’s? Yes. Because they care.

The Lesson
The lesson in all this? Authenticity, transparency, passion & caring are and will continue to be the foundations of an awesome business.

No matter how big or how small you are, if you allow your head to blow up, become driven by ego, get too “busy” and full of yourself, and think you are “too big to fail” all I can say is proceed with caution.

If you are a passionate studier of business, if you are passionate about artists, please see Artifact. And if Jared comes to town, well, you know, you just gotta go!

(shared with LOVE from Nina)

PS: A big thanks to my Sis for creating an awesome night for me, and having so much compassion & patience when I have panic attacks. I love you Sis!

The Bad Ass Barbers of Instagram

The Bad Ass Barbers of Instagram

“Your culture is your brand.”

Tony Hsieh, Founder + CEO, Zappos



The Bad Ass Barbers of Instagram


Here is the audio version of the post, thank you so much for listening.

There is so much awesomeness happening on Instagram, thus my obsession with the platform and writing about it. One of my obsessions at the moment, well, not just at the moment but every day, is the bad ass barbers of Instagram. I am so freaking inspired by how they create awesome each day, so here is my take on what they are doing right and how you can learn from them to help you create more awesome in your biz.

1. Culture
Culture is everything. And the barber community has nailed it. They work together, play together, celebrate their communities, and use the same language. They have a shared passion and work ethic. They live their culture. And it shows.

2. Brand Identity + Messaging
This is the one area that continues to blow my mind. The look, feel, sounds and sights are so insanely consistent. From logos, to colors, to fonts, words, sounds, styles, shapes, tools, merch, storytelling via content, and most importantly, culture, these bad ass barbers not only understand branding, it is clear they value and respect how it can create awesome in their business.

3. Engagement
As my biz hero Gary Vee says, “Best marketing strategy ever? Care.” And these barbers care. The reason I know this is based on their engagement on Instagram. They listen, they respond, they give shout outs, they love and support each other, they build relationships and in turn, they have tens of thousands of passionate followers.

4. Generosity
These bad ass barbers are collectively very generous with their lives and minds. They share tips, offer education, host events and more. As Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”

5. Passion
Well, this one goes without saying. However, what I will say is many of us may say we are passionate, but does it show through our online and offline presence? Can it be felt through a screen and through the stories we tell from the content we share?

Generation C, the connected customer, as defined by the genius Brian Solis, is passionate about shared experiences. About stories, about culture, about going behind the scenes. And these bad ass barbers get that. Do you?

If you want to learn how to create more awesome on Instagram, follow these bad-asses, I do, and I am so grateful they exist.


Oh, and while we are here, here are just a few of my other FAVES creating awesome with men’s hair on Instagram. Follow them.


Love + Awesomeness-



I Can’t Get To The Phone Right Now…

“Never be so busy as to not think of others.” 


 Mother Teresa


(image via

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you so much for listening.

It seems simple enough. Yet, the lack of it seems to be an epidemic, and it can also be a competitive advantage. What am I speaking of? Caring.

Here are some ways to show we care…
1. Show up for ourselves, our family, team + community

2. Respond

  • To phone calls

  • To texts

  • To emails

  • To social shout outs

3. Be on time (and end on time)

4. Respect others time

5. Do what we say we are going to do

6.  Be honest

7. Make eye contact

8. Be authentic

9.  Keep our promises

10. Own our mistakes

Many of us are guilty of using the “busy” excuse. And that is exactly what it is, an excuse. We choose where to put our time and energy. If it matters, we will not be too busy.

I wonder what would happen if we were honest and instead of saying “OMG, I am so sorry, I got too busy”, we said, “You know what, you and your issue, or our meeting, or that phone call, or that email was just not very important to me.” Would we be more accountable to each other if we were forced to be honest? Something to think about.

If you find yourself saying I just can’t keep up with all my emails, Facebook messages, etc. than maybe you need to look at your systems, processes and resources. If you want to create an awesome business, caring (not saying you care, but showing you care) is one of the best ways to create an awesome business.

In the world of time management, is it time that manages us or us who manage time? Who decides what we say yes to and what we say no to?

Life happens, things come up, oversights happen, but when it becomes the norm, and not the exception, it’s a problem. If you want to build trust, relationships, and a business, it’s time to admit there’s a problem and make a decision to change it.

As always, the choice is ours.

Love + Awesomeness-