How To Help So Cal Fires Passion Squared hd

How To Help Those Affected By The So Cal Fires

As 2017 comes to a close, it seems like it one way it will be remembered will be the year of the natural disaster, and the year of helping those in need and being so grateful for the brave first responders.

With so many of you, your families, animals, loved ones, communities and clients being impacted by this most recent tragedy, I wanted to share some resources with you if you want to help or need help. As with anything, please do your own research and do what speaks to your heart, even it is means simply hitting the share button.

The Lilac Fire in particular hit way too close to home for me as my Stepmom and Brother live inside the mandatory evacuation and my Mom and our best family friends live only a few miles outside of the evacuations. They are all safe, and for that, we are so grateful.

“Look for the helpers.” Mister Rogers

So Cal Fires 12.11.17

Image via Google Crisis Response 

Here is a list of some resources I have vetted, but again, please do your own research and support whatever speaks to your heart…

Professional Beauty Association Disaster Relief Fund
Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation
Human Society of Ventura
Go Fund Me Direct Impact Fund + Fire Related Go Fund Me Campaigns  (for the individual fire related campaigns, swipe left on mobile to see ALL campaigns)
Facebook Crisis Response 
San Luis Rey Training Center Go Fund Me
Kwasney Fire Fund  (this is a specific family of my friend and beauty industry leader Riawna Capri)
Urbane Cafe Adopt A Box
Thomas Fire Fund

As always, if you want to find a way to help, simply Google “ways to help So Cal fire victims”. If you want to create your own fundraiser to help, here is a blog I wrote a few months ago on How To Create A Fundraiser + Give Back 

Our hearts and prayers are with all those suffering.

With love-
Nina @passionsquared

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