#QandAwesome Episode 8 Positivity + Authenticity

In this weeks episode, I answer one of the most common questions I get asked. How do I stay so positive? And what better week to answer this, a week I have been in a total funk. It happens. How we choose to react + respond to the funk is what matters. Thanks so much for watching. Pay it forward. Share this with a friend who needs it.

Engagement header

6 Thoughts On Engagement

The leaders who get the most out of their people are the leaders who care most about their people.  – Simon Sinek

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you so much for listening.

I got an awesome question from an awesome human on the Passion Squared Facebook page and it inspired this post. Thanks so much Nate for inspiring me to share my thoughts on the topic of engagement.*

In working with my clients, whether it’s my one on one clients or my awesome A School group, this is often a topic of discussion. And as one who has developed and lead teams as well as grown communities on social platforms, I am passionate about this topic as well.

Why? Because I believe many of us have challenges when it comes to engagement of people, teams or even social platforms and we know we can do better.

First, lets define engage:

Engage (verb aka action word)
to get and keep (someone’s attention, interest, etc.)

Now how in the heck do we do that? Get and keep someone’s attention and interest?

Ahhhhh, the old listening trick, works every time if we actually do it. And I mean really listen. Not with the intent to respond, but to show me, through your actions, that you are really listening and I am really being heard.

Be Honest
Having loving, courageous conversations are tough for many. But without them, we cannot nurture and grow ourselves or expect to nurture, grow and engage others.

Understand Me
As the great Stephen Covey taught us in 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “Seek first to understand.”

Be Human
Authenticity is the old, new and future black. If you want me to be engaged, than I want you to be real. I can see right through your “status quo” verbiage.

Show Up
Trust is possibly one of the most important elements of an engaged team or community. And trust is bread through promises kept. We must never get so “busy” in the mundane day to day that we forget an important part of leadership: showing up and being fully present.

Like really really care. I know, we all say we care. But humans can tell if that is true or not. From our words, actions, promises kept, all of it. Just like Simon Sinek shares in the opening quote.

Choosing to lead a team, a community or a company is an awesome responsibility that takes a huge, selfless commitment. And it’s not for everybody.

If you are feeling challenged by your team, your community or your social platforms and not feeling they are engaged, take a look at this list, and in the mirror.

Lastly, two of my go to people on leadership are Simon Sinek and Marcus Buckingham. My go to humans on engagement are Brian Solis and Gary Vaynerchuk. All of these awesome, passionate and smart humans have tons of content online from books, to talks to blogs and more. I highly recommend them.

Love + Awesomeness-


*Edited blog post, originally published 3/16/15

Unmasking Life

Unmasking Life

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you so much for listening.

“We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.”  May Sarton

As a child we are immersed into a world of feelings both physically and emotionally. Two predominant feelings are love and pain. Like little sponges, we all absorb these into our body and mind.

Feelings of healthy love create security, safety and being centered. Repeated emotional or physical pain creates fear, sadness, and insecurity.

As children, it doesn’t feel safe enough to heal the pain, so it quietly gets buried in the body. Ultimately as an adult it shows up as:

  • Self- loathing
  • Deep anger
  • Depression
  • Self-sabotage
  • Self-abuse
  • Passivity

You can imagine how difficult it is to live with emotions like these on a daily basis, so over time a survival mask is created. This way, it appears to our co-workers, friends and family that we’re thriving on the outside, but on the inside we’re in pain which can also show up as physical ailments. This altered self-reality to mask the pain looks like:

  • Controlling and blaming others
  • Neediness
  • Busyness
  • Grandiosity
  • Manipulation
  • Emotional highs and lows
  • Addictions
  • Unhealthy boundaries

In business this mask ultimately creates lack of focus, blame, difficulty managing others, stagnant growth and self-sabotage. In personal life it creates unhappiness.

But the joy of living is choosing to free ourselves from our mask to then discover, be delighted by and then share our true self.

It’s a journey from darkness to light that most everyone is now experiencing. It involves challenges, real honesty, creative breakthroughs, setbacks, awareness, guidance, clarity and love.

It’s a beautiful journey we’re all on together as business owners and owners of our life.

Ultimately it’s about practicing being our true unmasked self.

-Nigel Sampson, CEO Whole Body Method and my personal Energy Healer
Nigel Sampson CEO Whole Body Method

To learn more from Nigel and to discover your path to healing and how it can enrich both your business and life, join us at Whole Body Whole Business, March 1 in Los Angeles. Click here to learn more and reserve your space.

(Any opinions expressed by the author are from personal discovery only are not meant to be construed as advice or scientific fact.)
30 Seconds To Mars Concert

My Night With Jared Leto

“If you are willing to walk the path of a dreamer, then anything is possible.”

Jared Leto


30 Seconds To Mars Concert

                                       (images via Jared Leto Instagram, follow him, cause he’s awesome!)

Here is the audio version of this post, thank you so much for listening.

So yes, this happened. My awesome Sis Lisa got tickets to see Jared as an early birthday present to me. I mean, wow. Best Sis ever, right? This post is about my night, and actually, my recent love affair with the human that is Jared Leto.

The Leto Experience
I have been a kinda fan of his for a while. But I became a mega fan when I watched his awesome doc Artifact. I mean to be honest, I think I have watched it a gazillion times. And each time I cry. So there’s that. And his performance in Dallas Buyers Club, OMG. No words really except for the fact that I lost some of the most awesome humans during those times in the 80’s to AIDS, and the story touched deep in my heart. So when Jared won the Oscar, well, you can only imagine my emotions, and yes, I cried.

So, to be able to see him live, I wondered if my love affair with him from afar would become stronger after seeing him LIVE. Well, of course, the answer is YES, squared!

What is it about him that I am so obsessed with? His humanity. Yes, he is a #megababe, but that is not what it is. He is real. He is authentic. He connects. He creates. He engages. He cares. He is vulnerable. He dreams. He is imperfect. He is passion. He is love.

As I sat at the Hollywood Bowl that night, having a panic attack, which is another blog, I knew I had to get incredibly focused as to not lose my s#%t! So I choose to focus intently on him. On his dialogue. On his energy. On how he connected with the audience. And again, I cried.

Authenticity + Transparency
In a world craving transparency and authenticity, to experience Jared Leto LIVE confirmed to me that the true way to make a difference in the lives of others is to truly care. To authentically & passionately connect and engage. To be whole. Not one person on Instagram and another at a concert.

At the end of their set, he shared with the audience that the band would be at their merch tent signing CD’s for as long as they could. Are you kidding me? An Oscar winner? A mega rock star? Signing CD’s? Yes. Because they care.

The Lesson
The lesson in all this? Authenticity, transparency, passion & caring are and will continue to be the foundations of an awesome business.

No matter how big or how small you are, if you allow your head to blow up, become driven by ego, get too “busy” and full of yourself, and think you are “too big to fail” all I can say is proceed with caution.

If you are a passionate studier of business, if you are passionate about artists, please see Artifact. And if Jared comes to town, well, you know, you just gotta go!

(shared with LOVE from Nina)

PS: A big thanks to my Sis for creating an awesome night for me, and having so much compassion & patience when I have panic attacks. I love you Sis!

Day One

The Other Layers

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”

Brene Brown


Day One

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you for listening. Enjoy.
The Other Layers

We all have layers, and I am not talking of the ones you do on your clients. I’m speaking of the other layers. The layers of truth, struggles, shame and pain.

My journey has been one of many layers and yesterday I began a new journey to peel back a big one that I have struggled with my entire life. I am writing this post in hopes to help others who struggle as I do, to give permission to those who live with this pain, to have the courage to uncover the pain, share their truth, and in hopes empower others to do the same.

This is not about a weight loss journey. The weight is the result of something much deeper. It was that extreme black and white thinking that has kept me from the truth. This is a journey of turning fears into fuel, battling my anxiety and panic disorder, silencing the voices in my head and a very old film reel in my head and heart that needs to be destroyed.

The truth is, I have battled my entire life with self-esteem and body image issues. When I was young, I was weighed in every single day, and I recorded my weight on a little calendar. Every single day. My greatest “accomplishment” in this area was at the peak of my eating disorder. Popping pills every morning and making sure most of the food I did consume ended up where it belonged, in the toilet, as soon as I ate it. Not awesome. Not at all. I have worked too hard on so many areas of my life to allow this one to win.

It amazes me how we can sabotage ourselves so much, and no matter what, we find excuses as to why we cannot peel back the layers. I understand it’s scary, writing this post is scary for me, putting it out for the world to see, admitting that I have a problem, those are all scary things…

Here is part of the story I have been telling myself for years…
1. I am too busy.
2. I have anxiety and panic disorder.
3. I have a slow metabolism.
4. My Dad died and I am sad.
5. I will start tomorrow.
6. Who cares how you look and feel. It’s nobody’s business.
7. It was that medication they put me on 6 years ago, it’s their fault.
8. I have a fractured lower back.
9. I don’t care.

Some of the excuses above are actual realities of my life. But to make them excuses for not living an awesomely authentic life is just lame. We can always find excuses.

The new story I am telling myself…
1. We find time for that which is important.
2. Food, meditation and daily exercise works wonders for anxiety.
3. Fuck the slow metabolism, it can be re-set with food and exercise.
4. It’s perfectly OK to miss my Dad, and I know there is nothing he wants more than for me to win the battle my demons.
5. Tomorrow is never guaranteed.
6. It’s not about what others think, see or feel, its about how I think, see and feel.
7. Forgive the doctors who messed with you. Forgiveness is the first step to freedom.
8. Yes, you do have a fractured back, accept it, and take care of yourself so it can get better.
9. I do care.

We all have battles that we fight in silence. Silence for many can be a killer. I have made a decision to no longer be silent. I made this decision because I want to live my truth in order to help others live theirs.

I am so grateful to have people in my life who support my journeys, we all need cheerleaders. But in the end, my battle is between me and me. Isn’t that the truth for all of our internal battles? Yes, it sucks, and it’s painful to face the darkest parts of ourselves. But when we choose to empower ourselves and peel back more layers, when we choose to be vulnerable, we just never know who we may be empowering in the process. And that is a beautiful thing.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)

PS: You can find the super cool Hair Nerd shirt here. It gives you super powers.