Be All In

The Awesomest of 2013

“Work is love made visible.”

Khalil Gibran


Be All In

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you so much for listening. Enjoy.

So here we are, the last couple days of 2013, a year that may have been your awesomest or not-so-awesomest. Which gets me to thinking about how we determine awesome. Is it based on numbers, milestones, happiness, bank balances, relationships, resolutions kept, or broken?

For me, awesomeness is how I helped empower the people who I love. How I showed up for my family, friends and community. But what is important to remember is we all define it differently.

To be able to attain awesomeness, it requires courage, commitment and consistency. A great example of that is this blog. Blogging is new to me, I wrote my first blog in March of 2012 and have blogged either every day, week or month since.

It took courage to put myself out there, not being concerned about haters, but being driven by the value I was hoping to deliver, it took commitment to be “all-in”, no matter what was happening in my life, I made a commitment and stuck with it. And lastly, it took consistency, which is one of the greatest opportunities I see for so many small businesses.

Many of us get an idea, and start strong, then over time, for whatever reason, begin to fade. Consistency is what is gonna keep us in the game. I had the courage to make a commitment to be consistent, that is how I have built Passion Squared to be the awesome business it is today.

With that, I will share with you the Awesomest Blog Posts of 2013, awesomest defined, in this case, by the most unique views.

1. Gary Vee Cares

Gary Vee Cares

2. So Much Education, So Little Change

So Much Education, So Little Change

3. I Can See You

I Can See You

4. 8 Ways To Create Awesome On Your Website

8 Ways To Create Awesome On Your Website

5. 5 Steps To Increase Engagement on Facebook

5 Steps To Increase Engagement On FacebookMany of these are my faves, which tells me that what I am creating is adding value and resonating with you. And that my friends, is the awesomest of all and I am so grateful to be able to serve you.

As we move into 2014, I want you to begin asking yourself what awesomeness means to you, your customers and your business. If it is not crystal clear in your mind, take a moment to get quiet and think. We move towards what we focus on, and my wish for you is to continue to move towards your awesomeness, however you define it.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)