

“Be the person your dog thinks you are”




Please allow us to introduce you to Boo, known to over 5 million Facebook fans as “The Worlds Cutest Dog”.
While we of course think Zen L. Kovner, Faith M. Kovner & Cody J. Miller are the cutest dogs in the world, we absolutely LOVE Boo, for a few reasons;

1. Boo is super cute dog.

2. Boo is a great model of the power of the social + digital web.

What makes Boo cuter than any other Pomeranian dog on the web?  It’s his haircut.
Yep, a cool haircut on a Pomeranian.  That is the Boo brand.

Boo also has a book deal, a plush toy and has recently partnered with Virgin America to be its first Pet Liaison.  Yes, you read it right.  WOW.  While we all know cute animals are super popular on the web, there are some key lessons we can all learn from Boo.

1. Boo has a story.
He is a Pomeranian with an awesome haircut.

2. Boo is relevant.
Almost everyone on the planet loves dogs.

3. Boo kicks #*&! on Facebook.
Boo’s Facebook posts are engaging and consistent.

Check out Boo and his buddy Buddy on their most recent photo shoot with Virgin America. Adorable.

Are we saying you need a dog with a cute haircut to be engaging in the social space?  No, not at all, but that may help. No seriously, what we are saying is to have a story, be sure its relevant, and know that consistency is key to success, both on online and off.

So lets take the Boo example and apply it to your salon.

1. Your salon story.
Do you have one? Every business and brand needs a story, people love stories and people buy stories, think about it.

2. Your salon relevance. 
Clients look to you for leadership and advice on all things beauty, as it relates to your brand. Are you providing relevant content for your clients?  Is it relevant to your brand?

3. Your salon Facebook Page. 
Are your posts engaging?  Are you consistently posting?  Is there a reason to engage with your page?

To learn more about how to craft a relevant and engaging social + digital plan, check out our Events tab on our Facebook page for upcoming Social Beauty Intelligence Webinars or visit our YouTube channel PassionSquaredTV to view past webinars.

(shared with LOVE from Boo obsessed your passionista, Nina)