Are We Too Connected?

“Social Media is about sociology and psychology more than technology.”

Brain Solis

When we talk about the social + digital revolution, many immediately think about the technology side of things.  The screens, the platforms, and the “smart” people behind all of it. It can sometimes be very intimidating.

We propose we think about it in a different way.  Instead of thinking about the medium or the technology, lets think about the power of the medium, and how it is engaging, empowering and connecting people both locally and globally.  Now we’re talking, yes?

Most people need to be connected, to be engaged, to be recognized, to be listened to, to seek knowledge and information.  And when we look at technology and platforms this way, it all becomes a bit more exciting and way less intimidating.

Beauty professionals are masters of sociology and psychology, you practice it every day in the salon, with your team and your clients.  So guess what, you got this!

But can society be too connected?  Check out this super funny clip from last weeks Parks & Recreation.  Can you relate?

(video discovered on NBC)

Is it really technology’s fault that we cannot put down our iPhone?  The honest answer is its not about the technology, its about how we choose to use the technology.  So no more hating on technology, instead, think about all the ways you can use these platforms to get closer to your dreams.  And yes, we can be too connected, but remember, its a choice.

If you are serious about learning how to engage and connect on social + digital platforms, we offer one-on-one coaching and mentoring to help you grow and become more discoverable on the web.  Click here to learn more about our program.  We look forward to helping you live your dream.

(shared with LOVE from your passionistas Nina + Gordon)

What is Social Currency?

“Things that help others is what gets the most shares.”

Chris Brogan

Even though this video was shot over 2 years ago, it’s still so relevant as Brian Solis speaks about the social value of “checking-in”.  It’s a super simple way to understand “social currency” and the “social value” our interactions on the web play into growing our salons, businesses and brands.

“Social currency is represented in the resulting value and sentiment that stems from the exchange of social objects: words, videos, reactions, links. Social currency is a combination of actions and words.”

Brian Solis

So what does that mean for us?

Every time a client has a social interaction with our salon, every time they comment, share, like, and yes, even check-in, they are giving their endorsement of your salon to their group of friends.  Sound familiar?  Of course it does, it’s good ol fashion word of mouth, it’s just happening online.

When we provide engaging, relevant and valuable information and content on our social pages, people will take action.

Here are some examples of social actions:
Likes, comments, shares, RSVP’s to events, check-in’s

Reviews, checking-in

Checking-In, reviews

Tweets, re-tweets, @ mentions

Likes, comments, re-pins

Likes, comments

So, what are you doing on your social pages to create “social value” and “social currency”?  Are you creating and delivering valuable content for your fans and followers or just trying to sell them something?  In the end, the more value you deliver, the more actions you will get.

If you are ready to learn how to connect your offline efforts with your online efforts, we offer one-on-one coaching and mentoring to help you craft an awesome social + digital plan designed to increase your social value, currency and ultimately more word of mouth and referrals.  Click here to learn more and get started!

(shared with LOVE from your passionistas, Nina + Gordon)

Brian Solis Engage

The Promise, Kept

“One must have a good memory to be able to keep the promises that one makes.”

Friedrich Nietzsche


Brian Solis is one of our digital heroes.  He speaks the truth.  He understands the digital space like no other, and the opportunities it provides to businesses and people if its used in the right way.  Brian Solis is the best selling author of Engage, and The End of Business as Usual, two books we highly recommend if you are seeking a deeper understanding of the social and digital revolution.  He is a disruptor, and we heart disruptors that push to make things better.

While we read his blog daily, this one jumped out at both of us at the same time, without even knowing, and therefore, worth sharing.  “Dear (insert business name here), what is Your Promise”.  Many companies have mission statements and vision statements, many times written in a boardroom somewhere, but what is your Promise?

In today’s VERY NOISY social and digital space, people want to know you, what you stand for, what your promise to them is, and be ready, because today, you will, we all will, be held accountable thanks to Facebook, YELP, Foursquare, Twitter and all the other social spaces that people can speak their mind.

We hope you take the time to read this blog from Brian Solis, you will be very happy you did, as will your team and your customers.

(shared with LOVE from your passionistas Nina + Gordon)