
6 Ways To Share Your Story On The Web

“If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.”

 Rudyard Kipling


Here is the audio version of the post if reading is not your thing. Enjoy!
6 Ways To Share Your Story On The Web

One of the most common questions I am asked by salon owners and artists is “what” they should be posting on their social platforms. My question back is almost always “why” are you posting in the first place.

When we start with why (thank you Simon Sinek), the what and how begins to flow so much more naturally.

Think of your content as your marketing, your story, your voice and your experience and all of a sudden, content creation becomes a creative and fun process, not a daunting one as many have told me it is.

Here are 6 ways to share your story on the Web…

1. About Section
The very overlooked yet super important area to share your story.

2. Before’s & After’s
One of the most engaging ways to share your work, tell a hair story and recognize your team & clients.

3. Behind The Scenes
We all have this incredible desire to see what goes on behind the scenes of our fave brands.

4. Education
If part of your why is your passion for technical excellence, share the hair shows, workshops and advanced education stories with me.

5. Giving Back
Is giving back part of your story? Sharing your charitable events is a great way to show me.

6. Shout Outs
One of our most basic human needs is the need to be recognized. Saying thank you to clients, recognizing a milestone in a team members life or career, or featuring another local business is one of the most powerful ways to engage.

So remember, always start with why. When you have that down, you can begin to create compelling, authentic and powerful content for your social pages.

Have questions? Want to share your story with me? I’m listening.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)