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Getting to No

Focusing is about saying no.  -Steve Jobs


As I observe small businesses and what makes one stand out from the other, I find myself almost always going back to a concept I learned long ago from one of my greatest biz mentors and all around awesome humans Luke Jacobellis.

So much of how we ultimately create awesome in business is about the daily decisions we make. What we say yes to, what we say no to. It has to do with focus, strategy, discipline, courage and clarity. The term that Luke taught me that is forever ingrained in my mind is “creeping elegance”. Now you may be thinking, what the heck does that mean? Well, let me explain.

Example #1
You Gotta Be Everywhere
Someone in your business, maybe even you, was told it’s important to be on every social platform. So you go ahead and just start running, spending time, money and energy, creating content, claiming your platforms, trying to get buy-in from the team, etc, etc. A few months down the road, you notice that you are spending more time and money than you intended, with little to no results. In fact, you may have already abandoned the platforms. What happened? Well, instead of saying no to some and yes to others, instead of sitting back and building a plan, instead of determining which platforms fit best with your strategy, you just dove in and said yes to everything.

Example #2
If It Worked For Me, It Will Work For You
Another small business owner calls you up and tells you you must try this marketing program that worked awesome for them. You get all excited and dive right in, spending time, money and energy to try and make it work for you. A few months down the road, the program is not getting the results you want, and is abandoned, just like the social platforms example.

Example #3
We Must Have Balloons
You decide it’s time to re-invent your service menu. A few others on the team suggest that you not only do menus, but that you also do brochures, cards, signs, pins and balloons (trying to make a point here with the balloons). You get busy, and excited, and next thing you know, you spend a gazillion dollars and blow through a million trees, all the while all you really wanted was a new menu and in fact, that was all you needed.

Example #4
I Cannot Live Without This Product
You get pitched a new product line to carry or use in your business. You love it, it fits with your brand and strategy, so you say yes. A few months later, you get pitched another one, or a team member gets all excited about something and instead of having the hard discussion of saying no, you say yes. Then another, then another. A few months down the road, you wake up to excess inventory, a multitude of vendors, money tied up and wonder, how did this happen?

These are just a few examples of “creeping elegance”. We all get so “busy” that we say yes instead of no. But what we do not realize at the time is that the yes we are saying turns into possibly months of time, money and energy wasted that could have been put towards systems, products, services and programs that fit the strategy and get results.

Yes I know, it’s tough to slow down and make mindful decisions, but that is part of what we signed up for when we chose to own a business. If you have a strategy, which is a gotta do for being awesome in business, it becomes easier to say no as well as yes. Getting to no may be one of the best things you can do for your sanity, your bank account, your team, your customers and your business. Give it a try.

Example #5
You Can’t Miss This
This is probably one of the most important ones for those who find themselves pulled in a gazillion directions and feeling burned out more often than you would like. We all know FOMO (fear of missing out), well let me introduce you to JOMO (joy of missing out). You see, there is no possible way we can be “everywhere” if we are going to keep our sanity. And as leaders and small biz owners, we must do our best to stay present, grounded, and yes, sane. When we are clear on our purpose, promise, and strategy, we begin to learn that while that event or that program or that party sounds like a ton of fun, I am going to pass this time. Read that, and let it sink in. I AM GOING TO PASS THIS TIME. Try it. And just feel your shoulders drop.

Love + Awesomeness-

(this post was originally written in December 2013, had been updated and still rings true for so many)