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A Dream Without A Date

You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.  C.G. Jung

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you so much for listening.

No matter how many awesome ideas you have. Or how badly you want something. Or how passionate and excited you are. If you do not set a deadline to “ship” that idea, it’s just another idea, un-launched.

As I have said so many times, execution and consistency come down to one thing, a decision. It’s not complicated. We make it complicated.

Set A Date!

  • You want to launch a program? Set a date.
  • You want to learn something new? Set a date.
  • You want to create and share a blog? Set a date.
  • You want to send monthly newsletters? Set a date.
  • You want to launch a new website? Set a date.
  • You want to keep your promises to your team? Set a date.

You see, something will always get in the way if we let it. And there are way too many things on our to do list, so something will always get lost.

There are several tools you can use to manage your time and get organized, iCal works awesome for me. But a tool is simply that, a tool. It is what we do with the tool that matters.

Dream all you want. But a dream without a date is just that, a dream. #truth

Love + Awesomeness-
