Facebooking for Office

Every Voice Counts

“We’ve GOT to make noises in greater amounts! So, open your mouth, lad! For every voice counts!”


Dr. Seuss, Horton Hears A Who!

One week from today, we will be electing a President.  We are not nor would we ever tell you who to vote for, we just want you to vote.  Because every vote, and every voice, COUNTS!

While many of us are exhausted by all the rants and ugliness being shared on our Facebook news feeds,  there is a good news side to all of the craziness.  This infographic on How Social Media Inspires Voters is an awesome example of the engagement and  empowerment the social + digital web has brought to us all.  Wow!

Facebooking for Office Infographic
(Infographic discovered on Mashable, courtesy of Online College Courses.)

Has the social web inspired you to get out and vote?  We sure hope so.

(shared with LOVE from your voting passionistas, Nina + Gordon)

PS: Please vote. Please make sure your voice is heard. It counts.