
Are You Being Unrealistic?

“Any great and inspiring leader or organization that ever existed set out to do something completely unrealistic.”

Simon Sinek



When I read this quote it struck me, as I am one for seeming at times “unrealistic”. I cannot count the times in my life that someone told me something was not possible, that I lived in a fantasy world, that my I needed to be “realistic.”

What is realistic anyway? Is it not in the eye of the beholder? I wonder what would have happened if some of the greatest leaders, athletes, scientists and educators listened to the naysayers. Our world would not be as rich, that I know for sure. The greatest inventions, cures, technology and businesses have been born out of awesome people not listening to those who say it’s not possible.

A quote I shared last month has become my mantra, and possibly my next tattoo. It speaks so much to this principle of “realistic”. The quote from Rose Etheridge begins with “Follow Your Inner GPS…” That is so powerful to me, as I believe that we each have our own reality, our own dreams and desires and nobody can tell us if its right or not.

Each of us possesses within us great abilities to make amazing things happen. And so many times, our light is dimmed by someone who does not dream as big as we do.

If I had listened to the naysayers I would not have:
Gone to college
Dropped out of college
Gone to beauty school (did not drop out, did awesome instead)
Worked for one of the greatest professional haircare companies in the world
Become VP of Marketing for that company
Gracefully walked away from “the greatest career in the world”
Started my own business
Began writing a book with the dream of being a published author

What “unrealistic” things have you done that make your heart smile? What would you do if anything was possible?

Next time you have a thought, idea or plan that feels right to you, and you have gathered all of the tools and resources you need to make it happen, remember to follow your inner GPS.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)

You Are Not A Tree

Follow Your Inner GPS

“Follow your inner GPS, not some busted old map given to you by others.”

Rose Etheridge


You Are Not A Tree

In a few days we will be ringing in a New Year. Another year of life, success, learning and challenges.

I am not one for traditional New Years resolutions, in reality, there is not much I do that is traditional. But one exercise I like to do when the year comes to a close is focusing on what I want to keep, what I want to discard and what I want to add.

This allows me to get real clear on how I want to enter the new year. It really is amazing what happens when we get still for a moment, gain clarity and listen to our inner GPS.  Maybe you have a practice similar to this? If so, I would love to hear what works for you.

My 2013 List

What I want to keep.
My passion.
My Utopian view of the world.
My deep desire to help others.
My work ethic.
My daily gratitude practice.
My belief that people are good.
My love of family & friends and making them a priority.

What I want to discard.
My fears. (I have a lot of them)
My anxiety. (Created from the above)
My sadness. (Losing my Dad has been devastating)

What I want to add.
More focus. (It’s been a pretty cloudy year)
More activity, both socially and physically. (I’ve been pretty lazy to be honest, and my clothes are a sore reminder and my friends are over it.)

We are not trees. We have the ability to focus on and do anything we want to. We have the freedom to follow our inner GPS. What is yours telling you?

(shared with LOVE from your passionista Nina)