Generation WHY


Before you go and criticize the younger generation, just remember who raised them. Unknown

Here is the audio version of this post. It’s like me reading you a bedtime story. Thank you for listening.

This post was first created, from my heart, on June 10, 2013. Nearly two years later, it could not be more relevant. As I listen and observe the professional beauty biz, I continue to hear frustrated new professionals not always clear on what to do or where to go to find love + support, and equally, frustrated salon owners unsure + unclear how the heck to connect with what I call Generation WHY.

And as I wrote in June of 2013, this is a forever issue. Always blaming the next generation for things, and simply not understanding them. This is one of many reasons I am launching a new program A School for New Professionals on May 1 2015, to do what I do best and provide a place to help new professionals navigate their new career. Already having my A School for Owners, I see this as the almost perfect marriage and one that is desperately needed in the pro beauty biz. #excited

Original Post from June 10, 2013
It’s always the same it seems, the older generation, no matter which it is, is always somewhat down on the next generation. Whether it be the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, etc. There is always something people find wrong or irritating.

Is it that we lose perspective over time? That we get cranky and tired as we age? I am not a history expert, but I am a human who pays attention, so here is my take and some things to consider when generation bashing or trying to be an awesome leader of future generations.

Gary Vee, one of my biz heroes posted a quote to his Facebook page a few months back and it really resonated with me, Gary said…“We’ve just gotten smarter and realized that 22 year olds have more value than just getting you coffee”.

Here is what I know about the WHY generation…
1. They value purpose and meaning, not just a job or paycheck.

2. They want to know WHY, and “because I said so” does not fly.

3. They want leaders and mentors to tell them what’s possible, not what’s not possible.

4. They crave authenticity and relationships, in work and in life.

5. They are not waiting for our permission to dream or do important work.

I hear so often how challenged many are working with the younger generation. How they are afraid of hard work and want everything yesterday. I disagree. I work with young people everyday, and have successfully led these kids and helped them do big things. I love the youth. I love their passion, their hope and their courage to take the road less traveled.

Here are some things we can do to help lift up the next generation.
1. Be honest with them.

2. Share our wisdom.

3. Listen to them.

4. Create a vision of possibilities for them.

5. Love them.

It’s really quite simple, but not at all easy to take the time to understand the people we lead. But that is what leadership is about. It’s about perspective, understanding, vision, lifting others up and creating an environment for our teams to shine.

Of course, there is an alternative, you could just stay angry. Have fun with that.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)