Promote what you love

I Can See You

“What happens in Vegas stays on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube…”

Eric Qualman

Promote what you love

Here is the audio version of this post if you are not into reading. You’re welcome.
I Can See You

Much of my week is spent on the social and digital web researching, learning, listening, building relationships and joining in on some amazing conversations with my mentors, peers and friends. I love how these platforms empower relationships, people and business.

Promote What You Love Instead Of Bashing What You Hate
I have been noticing many leaders in our industry posting content that feeds right into the stereotypes that people have about salons and hairdressers on their Facebook pages. And of course, with those posts come thousands of comments, some from beauty professionals and not so shockingly from salon clients. Booooo.

What appears to be happening is that many are forgetting something very important about business pages on a platform like Facebook, they are PUBLIC. Which means, everything you are saying, the good, bad and the ugly, is seen by your clients and potential future clients. When you may think you are using your “inside voice”, you are actually creating a permanent footprint with your words.

This YouTube tutorial gone very wrong has been flying at the speed of light around the web. I am sure you have seen it. What blows my mind is the comments and shares from professionals about this.

This video, with over 5 million views, is an opportunity to educate clients. But what I saw mostly was a lot of bashing, teasing and laughing. And what is worse is that it was all done in a public forum, Facebook. Yikes! How could we use this video to educate our clients, instead of trying to make them afraid? You follow?

Hair Tutorial Gone Wrong

Here are a couple super professional responses and shares on that video that I love. Reason being, both Kristen and Gordon used this as a empowerment tool, not a bashing opportunity.

Hair Tutorial Response Hair Tutorial Response

Your Story, One Post At A Time
In today’s world we are all telling a story. My awesome friend and industry leader Fabio Sementilli just posted his awesome Fab Friday blog on the amazing  The Hair Nerds, and he spoke to the branding of you, as an individual, and the opportunities now for all of us to become brands in the social era. Fabio says so well, “Tomorrow’s small business will have a global profile.” The only thing I would add is Today’s small business. As this is happening, now.

Every status update, Instagram pic and Tweet are telling a story for the world to see. What do you want your story to be, sound and feel like? What do you want your clients and future clients to see? Always be mindful of how you choose to engage. We are watching you.

What Happens On Facebook Stays On Google
One of the many joys I have each day is the vibrant conversations I get to have with hairdressers around the world. This one is one of my recent faves. My buddy Damien Laliberte, of CrossCheck TV and Over Directed, was wondering how to get his photography to become more discoverable. Since I have studied this at length, blogged about it and even done a webinar on the topic, I immediately shared my thoughts. Well he is a super smart guy, and clearly challenged my advice, well, in fact, he just did not believe me. Until I saw this post last night on Facebook.

Facebook Conversation with Damien Laliberte

You see, everything you post on a business Facebook page is public, and much of what you post on a personal Facebook page is public, unless you set your privacy settings super tight.

One of the many cool things about engaging on the social and digital web is becoming more discoverable. So clients can find you, and if they like what they see, and read, do business with you. How awesome is that?

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts and comments, you can share them below, share them on Facebook or share with me directly. I am listening.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)