Until We Truly Believe…

I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself. – Rita Mae Brown

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you so much for listening. Enjoy.

It’s that week, you know, the week where we either kept our resolutions or have already begun to shame ourselves because we did not. For me, resolutions are some of the most harmful processes we bring entirely onto ourselves. Why? Don’t we already beat ourselves up enough?

Here’s the deal. Until we really, deep down, inside our souls believe we deserve to achieve awesomeness, however we define it, in business and in life, we will just keep hitting a wall and feeling bad about ourselves.

Think about it. We make a resolution to lose weight. We join the gym, get the outfit, mark it on our calendars, write it down, hang up things on the fridge, then go. Day one, awesome. Day two, ever more awesome. Day three. Ugh. Its cold outside. I have to get to a meeting. I overslept. The list goes on. Why does this happen? Because we skipped the most important part? The inside work. The work on breaking free from self sabotage. The self-love part. The hard stuff.

Just because society says that we are to set goals or resolutions a certain way does not mean it is right for all of us. The more we conform to others ways of doing things, the more we may find that we keep hitting a wall and feeling bad about ourselves.

Now this applies to business as well. To me, there is no difference. Business is made up of humans. We all bring our issues, esteem, perspectives into work everyday. As business owners, the same applies. You know if you implement that referral program, and consistently manage and promote it, you will get new clients. But you begin strong, and a month later, it’s almost completely forgotten. Why? It’s just another form of self sabotage, in this case, for whatever reason, being in fear or feeling not deserving of an awesome business.

We go through life being taught all sorts of tactics, strategies, systems and ways of living. We are told you should do this. And we try, attempt, give it our best, and yet, things many times just seem like they are just not right.

If we want to create awesome in life and live our dreams, it all begins with believing we deserve it. It begins with falling in love with the most important person on the planet, ourselves.

Here are some ways that I work on my insides, if any of these resonate, you may want to give them a try…

1. Read The Daily Love blog every morning.
This helps get my head focused on self-love first thing in the morning.

2. See my therapist every two weeks.
This is my medicine for keeping my mind right.

3. Daily gratitude lists.
This process, which I have written about several times, puts things in perspective for me, and gives me energy to keep creating awesome.

4. Connecting and helping people every day.
For me, the more I reach out and help people, the better I feel inside. The better I feel inside, the more awesome I tend to create.

5. Write.
For me, writing is therapeutic. Now let me get something clear, writing this blog is not easy, but I always feel better after getting what’s in my head on paper. For some it may be journaling or vision boarding, or creating any form of art. What’s most important here is that we allow ourselves to express our creativity one way or another.

6. Get some form of exercise.
Now, this is the toughest one for me, as I am still in the process of truly believing I deserve to be healthy. I know, sounds inane, but maybe you can relate. But I swear, on the days I do Pilates, my mind is more clear and my heart is more calm, and that allows me to create more awesome.

If resolutions work for you, awesome. If you are one of the millions, like me, who they don’t work for, try taking a few steps back and begin falling in love with your insides. Feel your fears, use them as creative fuel. Stop beating yourself up and shaming yourself, or allowing yourself to be shamed by society for not conforming. It’s time to begin creating your own kind of awesome. Now that is a resolution worth keeping.

Do you have a process for working on your insides? Want to share it to help empower others? Leave your comments below or send me a love note, I’m listening.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)

All You Need Is Love

All You Need Is Love

“I have decided to stick to love…Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

Martin Luther King Jr.


All You Need Is Love

Here is the audio version of this post. Click below to listen. Thank you.

All You Need Is Love

Passion is defined as a strong and barely controllable emotion, be it love, or hate. And squared is a multiplier, meaning taking a number and making it bigger (well that is my way of understanding the meaning of squared at least). When you look at the Passion Squared logo, there is a heart, symbolizing LOVE. My purpose and the purpose of Passion Squared is to multiply love and empower awesome in people and business (with love).

You see, I am a big believer in love. Love of self, love of animals, love of people, of business and the planet. I believe that love is the answer to everything.

The Esteem Epidemic
One of the greatest challenges I see when working with people in the beauty industry is not that of love, but of insecurity and unloving actions. When I speak with hairdressers unhappy in the workplace, and sadly there are many, the same theme comes up over and over. Which is so strange as you would think in the business of beauty it would be the opposite. But there is a reason.

There is an alarming level of low self esteem or what is known as “other esteem” in the beauty biz. The reason I know this is because if everyone had strong esteem and were love focused, there would not be so much negativity and bullying.  But the thing is when we do not love ourselves, we cannot love others. No matter how much external praise or false sense of awesomeness we feel, it is not real.

There is NO reason in the world to put others down to feel better. There is NO excuse to be mean or bully others in the workplace. There is NO reason to be hateful to others just because you are unhappy with your own self. Think about it.

I Have A Dream
My dream is to have an industry that is love centered. But there is still a lot of work to do. And it begins with each of us. You see, love is an inside job. And if each of us focuses on being more loving, to ourselves and others, we will all be amazed what can happen in our businesses. There needs to be more discussion around this incredibly important issue, and I am committed to doing my part to help make our industry a more love centered place.

What are you going to do today to be more loving to yourself and others? Please share your thoughts in the comments below. It matters. You matter. Want to share your thoughts with me? Click here. I am listening.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)