There is always something to be grateful for.
Two years ago we kicked off our annual gratefulAF challenge and had NO idea the impact it would make. Like, WOW. Each day I saw you, our passionate community, light up the world. A big shout out of gratitude to all of you who participated in 2017 + 2018, you sparked so much fucking joy for those your serve and love.
We are doing the challenge again for 2019 because gratitude changes fucking everything.
This is my personal story and why gratitude is the center of all that we do at Passion Squared and how it can help you with perspective, awareness and even possibly help change the chemistry in your brain (here’s a study!)
In early 2007 I was in the darkest place I have ever been in my life. So much so, that I was planning my suicide. But here it is, 20 fucking 19… I am alive, living my purpose and empowering others to live their’s too. How did this happen? It all began with gratitude.
Of course, there is so much more to the story which I share in my book Follow Your Heart, but it was learning about the power of daily gratitude that made me realize that I had more to do on this planet, and that no matter how dark my head became, there was always something to be grateful for.
From there, I was able to keep perspective, and perspective allows me to get through just about any hardship, sadness or loss. It was this quote that changed it all for me, which is tattooed on my left arm to be sure I never forget that gratitude saved my fucking life.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. Melody Beattie
We created a simple challenge for you and one I hope you invite your community + teams to join in too. It’s called the gratefulAF challenge.
Each day in the month of November we invite you to practice a little piece of gratitude and kindness.

Here’s how it works:
Launch date: November 1, 2019 (but you can begin anywhere, anytime!)
1. Capture your gratitude
2. Post to your Instagram page or Stories (only if you feel inspired to do so)
3. Use #passionsquared
4. Tag @passionsquared /@ mention passionsquared if posting in Stories
Click here for the Instagram portrait size graphic
Click here for the Instagram Stories graphic
Click here for the Instagram gratitude list template
Click here for the Facebook/Instagram/Blog post square size graphic
To use our gratitude gif’s for your Insta Stories or anywhere, search the term PASSION SQUARED under GIFS in Insta Stories or on

My intention is that after 30 days you will feel how much gratitude can change your perspective, your energy, your brain, your biz and your LIFE and you see the value of a daily gratitude practice.
How will you incorporate this challenge into your business and life? We would love to hear your gratitude ideas!
With love + a fuck ton of gratitude-
Nina @passionsquared
BTS of this blog + challenge
Total Time: 4 hours
Building the challenge
Developing the idea and daily themes 1 hour
Designing graphics on 1 hour
Editing 30 min.
Building the blog
Writing 30 min.
Editing/SEO stuff 30 min.
Proof reading 15 min.
Designing graphics on 15 min.