
The S Word

 “Find your should and make it go away.”

Seth Godin

Seth Godin

We LOVE Seth Godin and his daily blog.  Seth is a best selling author, and is known to many as “America’s Greatest Marketer”.  He challenges our minds and beliefs and the status quo.  We heart.

Seth’s message to all of us on the S Word is one we all can benefit from…read on, will you?

“Banks should close at 4, books should be 200 pages long, CEOs should go to college, blogs should have comments, businessmen should be men, big deals should be done by lawyers, good food should be processed, surgeons should never advertise, hit musicians should be Americans, good employees should work at the same company for years… Find your should and make it go away.”

Click here to subscribe to Seth’s blog, and lets all try to replace the S Word with the W word, “would”.  Try it.  It can only make your life more awesome.


One of our favorite books from Seth is Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us.  In this book, you will learn about building community, whether it be your salon clients or brand customers, and how building your own tribe is the best way to grow your business. Click here to purchase.

(shared with LOVE from your passionistas Nina + Gordon)