Park City Utah

On The Other Side Of Fear

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

Anaïs Nin


Park City Utah                                     (Park City, Utah, captured by my awesome iPhone)

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you so much for listening. Enjoy.

As I was traveling home from Utah yesterday, I began to realize how much awesomeness lies on the other side of fear.

Many may understand, many may not, but what I am talking about is how much we miss out on when we become paralyzed by fear. And I’m not talking about FOMO fear (Fear of Missing Out), I am talking about all the beauty and awesomeness that exists in the world and not experiencing it because of fear.

On the Other Side of Fear Is….
The new business you want to create.
The new product or service you want to launch.
The book that is ready to be shared with the world.
The video you have been thinking about making.
The blog you have been meaning to start.
The relationship you have been dreaming of.
The conversation you have been meaning to have with a co-worker or boss.
The trip you have been wanting to take.
The dream job you know is out there.
The family member who misses you.

You see, what I learned upon returning home is there is so much awesomeness and joy on the other side of fear. And the truth is, I have missed out on some pretty cool experiences because of fear. Today, I begin to write a new story. Today I am committed to turning my fear into fuel. Am I still afraid? Yes. Will I let that stop me from experiencing life? No. Not anymore. How about you?

A big heartfelt thank you to Erin Short of The Hair Nerds for giving me the kick in the ass I needed to make the trip to Utah possible, to Larry Curtis, Jami Quenum and the beautiful team at Taylor Andrews Academy for inviting me into their home, to Jake Thompson, Andrew Carruthers and Nick Hemsley for a night that will forever remain in my heart and to my beautiful family in Park City for the reminder that home is where ever family is.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)