Passion Squared Instagram

Instagram 2.0

“A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.”

Eudora Welty


Passion Squared Instagram
We are loving the evolution of Instagram and how our community has taken to it as the go-to app for engaging, sharing and connecting with the world. It’s no surprise though, as we are a creative and visual group of characters, and Instagram plays right into what we value most.

This week, Instagram introduced Web Profiles, where your page can be directly accessed on the web with your own unique URL.  Pretty cool, yes?  Why do we think its so cool?

1. It allows us to engage on the web, not just on the app, to like, comment and follow new users. Yes, there are several 3rd party apps that allow this already, but this is just kinda more official.

2. It helps our businesses become more discoverable on the web, just like other social platforms, the more we engage, the more discoverable we are.

3. Having our own URL allows us to share our Instagram page more easily among other platforms, as well as through our marketing and communications.

You can also edit your profile, revoke access to 3rd party apps, etc.


So how do you discover your profile?  Simply go to Instagram name here

If your page is set to private, only those who you allow to follow you will be able to see your photos.  So you may want to double check your privacy settings on the app.  You cannot change those settings on your Web Profile.

So there you have it.  We will continue watching Web Profiles develop, as we sense this is only the beginning.

(shared with LOVE from your passionistas Nina + Gordon)