Facebook Tips

We Are All Marketers

“Excuses don’t make things better. Excuses only offer a rationale to avoid trying.”

Simon Sinek

Marketing is the activity and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging products and services that have value for customers, clients, and society.  So, yes, we are all marketers, whether we own a salon or are a beauty professional.  How cool is that?

You may have heard about the 4 P’s of Marketing at some point, we actually believe there are 6.  Yes, we added 2, why? Because we think they are the most important parts of the marketing mix.

The 4 P’s of Marketing plus our 2 P’s
1. Product (service)
2. Place (salon)
3. Price (price points of product/service)
4. Promotion (how you will promote product/service)
5. People (you, your team, your clients)
6. Passion (you got this, yay!)

Yet many times, we hear people say, I’m an artist, not a business person.  I’m creative, not a sales person.  Well guys, the fact is, marketing is all about art + creativity, so congrats, you are a marketer.

Here is a super cool infographic on Facebook Marketing.  So, no more excuses, its time to jump in and start trying.

Facebook Tips

If you want to learn more about marketing in the social + digital space, or just how to better market your salon, we offer one-on-one coaching and mentoring to help you craft an effective and engaging plan.  Click here to learn more about our services.  We look forward to helping you achieve your dreams, and yes, to become a better marketer.

(shared with LOVE from your passionistas, Nina + Gordon)

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