Engagement header

6 Thoughts On Engagement

The leaders who get the most out of their people are the leaders who care most about their people.  – Simon Sinek

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you so much for listening.

I got an awesome question from an awesome human on the Passion Squared Facebook page and it inspired this post. Thanks so much Nate for inspiring me to share my thoughts on the topic of engagement.*

In working with my clients, whether it’s my one on one clients or my awesome A School group, this is often a topic of discussion. And as one who has developed and lead teams as well as grown communities on social platforms, I am passionate about this topic as well.

Why? Because I believe many of us have challenges when it comes to engagement of people, teams or even social platforms and we know we can do better.

First, lets define engage:

Engage (verb aka action word)
to get and keep (someone’s attention, interest, etc.)

Now how in the heck do we do that? Get and keep someone’s attention and interest?

Ahhhhh, the old listening trick, works every time if we actually do it. And I mean really listen. Not with the intent to respond, but to show me, through your actions, that you are really listening and I am really being heard.

Be Honest
Having loving, courageous conversations are tough for many. But without them, we cannot nurture and grow ourselves or expect to nurture, grow and engage others.

Understand Me
As the great Stephen Covey taught us in 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “Seek first to understand.”

Be Human
Authenticity is the old, new and future black. If you want me to be engaged, than I want you to be real. I can see right through your “status quo” verbiage.

Show Up
Trust is possibly one of the most important elements of an engaged team or community. And trust is bread through promises kept. We must never get so “busy” in the mundane day to day that we forget an important part of leadership: showing up and being fully present.

Like really really care. I know, we all say we care. But humans can tell if that is true or not. From our words, actions, promises kept, all of it. Just like Simon Sinek shares in the opening quote.

Choosing to lead a team, a community or a company is an awesome responsibility that takes a huge, selfless commitment. And it’s not for everybody.

If you are feeling challenged by your team, your community or your social platforms and not feeling they are engaged, take a look at this list, and in the mirror.

Lastly, two of my go to people on leadership are Simon Sinek and Marcus Buckingham. My go to humans on engagement are Brian Solis and Gary Vaynerchuk. All of these awesome, passionate and smart humans have tons of content online from books, to talks to blogs and more. I highly recommend them.

Love + Awesomeness-


*Edited blog post, originally published 3/16/15

Your Content Is Your Marketing.header

Your Content Is Your Marketing

“Our job is to connect to people, to interact with them in a way that leaves them better than we found them, more able to get where they’d like to go.”  Seth Godin

Your Content Is Your Marketing

About every other day, I get asked “Nina, where do I find content for my social pages?” And my answer is always the same, what is your brand story, promise, purpose and objective. When you know this, then, and only then, will you begin to find inspiration to create or curate (share other peoples) content.

This past week, I was inundated with posts on Facebook and Instagram about the hair transformations of Kim Kardashian and Jared Leto. Now let me get something very clear, this has nothing to do with whether I am a fan of either of them. But for those that follow me, you know I am obsessed with one of them. #teamjared

What I witnessed were so many hairdressers and trade publications I love bashing their hair (and hairdressers) and even posting a message to clients to NOT come (pictured above) into the salon and ask for a certain color. OMG, are you kidding me? I am confident most had no idea the impact these posts were having on their brand. Thus, my intense need to write this post.

Now, onto my point. Your content is your marketing. It is your story. Your brand. Your promise. And if you are using your Facebook and Instagram pages to help grow your business, then why in the world would you post anything that tells clients NOT to come in to see you or ask for a certain look?

Each day I work with passionate humans looking to learn how to engage authentically and effectively on social platforms to help grow their business.

In my lifetime, I have NEVER seen anything like the empowering opportunities the social web gives to creative small businesses. It is astounding. If used properly, of course.

The beauty of our world is that we are free to believe, share and post anything we want. All I am asking is that you understand the effects of your posts and are clear on your objectives for the platforms you choose to engage on.

Remember, your content is your marketing. Every post, share, comment, like (even what you are liking and commenting on other peoples pages)… Each moment is telling your brand story to your current and future clients.

What does your content say about your marketing? It matters.

Love + Awesomeness-


PS: A big shout out to @jasonbacke of @tedgibsonbeauty for being an awesome model of content that supports his brand. Well done!

A dream without a date header

A Dream Without A Date

You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.  C.G. Jung

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you so much for listening.

No matter how many awesome ideas you have. Or how badly you want something. Or how passionate and excited you are. If you do not set a deadline to “ship” that idea, it’s just another idea, un-launched.

As I have said so many times, execution and consistency come down to one thing, a decision. It’s not complicated. We make it complicated.

Set A Date!

  • You want to launch a program? Set a date.
  • You want to learn something new? Set a date.
  • You want to create and share a blog? Set a date.
  • You want to send monthly newsletters? Set a date.
  • You want to launch a new website? Set a date.
  • You want to keep your promises to your team? Set a date.

You see, something will always get in the way if we let it. And there are way too many things on our to do list, so something will always get lost.

There are several tools you can use to manage your time and get organized, iCal works awesome for me. But a tool is simply that, a tool. It is what we do with the tool that matters.

Dream all you want. But a dream without a date is just that, a dream. #truth

Love + Awesomeness-


How You Get Paid Is Irrelevant

How You Get Paid Is Irrelevant

“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” Walt Disney

In the world of professional salons, it has always baffled me how there is so much focus on how people get paid. Commission, salary, commission plus salary, team based, self-employed, independent, 1099, ugh, the list goes on and on…

And to be clear, this is not a debate on booth rental or commission salons, which is the better model or who is right or wrong, that is not a debate I choose to engage in, this is about what really matters to clients.

To me, it does not matter how you get paid, or what business model you choose to create, lead, manage, or work in.

Here is what matters…

Can you deliver an awesome experience consistently? The key word here is consistently? If you promise me a 5 minute scalp massage, trust, I know when you decided 3 minutes would be ok this time, guess what, its not ok.

#iamtheclient #ouch
Are you available when I want to get my hair done? Remember, I am the client, so my availability is more important than yours.

#myterms #notyours
Can I book with you 24/7?

Do you have a website? Can I find your story online?

How are your YELP reviews? Are there several, posted consistently over time?

Can I find you on Instagram or Facebook? If I can’t, I don’t think you exist.

Do you pre-book my next appointment as a convenience to me?

Do I get a text or email reminder of my appointment?

Do you make my days brighter, my hair awesome and most importantly my heart fuller?

Are you loving and kind? Authentically, kind and loving. To yourself, and those around you?

#omg #fail
Do you support & cheer on the people around you? Opposed to having a nasty attitude and talking shit about those around you and many times in front of me?

Is your space clean? I mean really clean? Or could your salon end up in a Buzzfeed list on grossest salons?

#youareresponsibleforthernergyyoubring #thankyou #sage
Is your energy clean? If it’s not, take care of that shit before you get to the salon.

Are you passionate about learning and trying new things?

Are you really, really listening to me? Sometimes I think you aren’t. I said I loved that product you used on me, but you never offered it to me to take home.

#purpose #givemeareason
Do you know your why, and more importantly, do I know your why?

Is the value you deliver more than the price you charge? It better be. Because if its not, I will look for a less expensive option.

#wordofmouth #referrals
You see, if you do all these things, consistently, over time, you can create an awesome business + life. Because when you do all those things, consistently, I get excited. And when I get excited, I tell my friends.

Let’s stay focused on what matters, just like Mr. Disney did. #waltwisdom

Love + Awesomeness-
Nina, a salon client

Two Steps To An Even More Awesome YOU header

Two Steps To An Even More Awesome YOU

“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.”  Steve Maraboli

Loving ourselves is by far one of the biggest challenges many have, including me. It is a daily decision, and a life long journey. One of my biggest challenges as I have written about many times is food. So I choose to surround myself with awesome humans who I can learn from, like Lisa Botts, who created this simple yet powerful post. Enjoy…

Guest Post by Lisa Botts, Vegan Chef, Founder of Good Fuel

Enough with the diets! I mean really, they only give temporary results at best and set you up for failure because they are unrealistic and unsustainable.

Let’s look at food differently. The new way of eating is about abundance. It’s about eating a broad spectrum of nutrient-rich foods.

Nutrients that the typical American diet lacks…BIG TIME! These are the vital micro-nutrients that give us natural boosts of energy, great looking skin, weight loss and, in some cases, reverse chronic and life-threatening disease.

There are only two steps you need to take to get MORE of these little guys in your body:

  • Eat whole, unprocessed foods.

  • Eat more plants.

That’s it! By eating whole, unprocessed foods the food retains the nutrients it was born with and not stripped out by machines and then put back in as “fortified”.

Micro-nutrients, like vitamin C (for energy) and Magnesium (keeps us chilled out) are abundant in fruits and vegetables. They’re your friends. The friends that want you around living your dreams and supporting you in becoming an even more awesome YOU!

Lisa Botts Good Fuel
Lisa Botts blogs at www.goodfuelgalore.com about living a lifestyle of substance, cooks anytime she can and is certified in plant-based nutrition through e-Cornell University.

Want to learn more from Lisa and experience her delicious vegan fare? Join us for Whole Body Whole Business, March 1 in Los Angeles.

Love + Awesomeness-
