Stop The Glorification of Busy

Are You Too Busy?

“It is not enough to be busy. The question is: what are we busy about?”

Henry David Thoreau

Stop The Glorification of Busy

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you for listening. Enjoy.
Are You Too Busy?

Yesterday I woke up to one of my favorite blogs on the planet, The Minimalists. Their post was on the topic of the busy addiction, a topic that is on my mind often these days and is part of my Creating Awesome Workshop. I was so inspired by their post I decided to write about it too.

The Habitrail
Once upon a time, I was too busy. Too busy to pay attention, smell the roses, listen to my heart, see my friends, enjoy the little things, and attend important family functions. I was too busy to breathe. The truth is, it was all a lie.

It was not that I was too busy, I was on the Habitrail, you know, the fun little toy that hamsters and mice play on, yea, that one. I was addicted to the race. Anything to keep me from feeling, living, and thinking. In order to feel alive, I needed more. God forbid I choose to sit still for one second, because if I did, the world will pass me by. And I was on a mission, a mission of external acceptance, other esteeiming, loading up my bank account with money and my life with all the joys of material things. Sounds awesome doesn’t it?

If Its Important, We Find A Way
Today, I see a sad and disturbing trend. People are using the word busy as an excuse to not do the things they do not want to do. Instead of retuning a phone call, email or text, or showing up for a friend or team member, it’s just so easy to say…”I’m sorry, I’ve been so busy.” We all do it. But it’s a lie. We have a choice of how we spend our time, and if its important to us, we will always find a way. Sometimes we just create busyness around us to distract ourselves from ourselves. Can you relate? I know I can.

Busy Or Meaningful?
My life today is so very different that when I was on the Habitrail. As a new business owner, I probably spend more time on my work than ever before. It’s not that I am too busy, I choose to spend my time doing meaningful stuff. And no matter how much time or energy I put in, I am almost never too busy to pick up the phone or return that email or text. I choose to make time time for my friends and family. I choose to make time for things that really matter.

You Are In Charge Of Your To-Do List
Yesterday my friend texted and wanted me to join her for a drink at The Abbey. Now, if you are from LA, you know The Abbey on Sundays is pretty awesome. I found myself coming up with the busy excuse, and then came clean, I was in a little bit of a funk, and not in the mood. Honesty, what a concept. Of course, she totally understood, because she is awesome. Thanks G-Unit, I love you.

Next time you find yourself using the “I am so busy” excuse, how about being honest and just saying, “I choose to use my time for other things”, “You are just not that important to me”, “No thanks”, or “I am not interested”, “I just don’t care”, or “I’m in a funk, so I will pass, but thanks so much for thinking of me.”

It takes courage to be honest. Next time you find yourself using the busy excuse, try telling the truth, first to yourself and then to others. You are in charge of your to-do list. Remember that.

Thank you to The Minimalists for inspiring this post.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)



“My spelling is Wobbly. It’s good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places.”

A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh


Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you for listening.
There Their They’re, A Passion Squared Audio Blog

I get so sad when people make fun of people’s ability to spell or choose the proper words. Instead of making fun of us, how about trying to help us. Not everyone did well in traditional school, and spelling & grammar are not in cosmetology text books last time I checked.

In the era of social business and all of us becoming publishers of content, we are expected to be able to spell and use proper grammar when posting to our business pages. It does have an impact on how our brand in seen in the eyes of clients. While spell check is our BFF, most social platforms do not have grammar check. Bummer.

Spelling and grammar have always been a struggle for me and one of the many angst’s my awesome Mom had raising me. I  know she is reading this post, so Mom, I really was listening to you, it was just my inner rebel that wanted you to think I wasn’t. I love you. Thank you for being awesome.

Here are a few tips to better understand how and when certain words are used:

There. Their. They’re.
is a super awesome salon in LA. They’re the best colorists I know. Their technique is the bomb.
Hey, look over there.
Have you seen their new haircut?
They’re such an awesome group of people.

Accept. Except.
We accept all forms of payment at our salon except Monopoly money.
I accept your invitation.
I can see you any day except Monday.

Your. You’re.
Can I borrow your blow dryer? You’re the most awesome hairdresser, ever!
How much are your haircuts?
You’re the best session stylist I have ever seen.

To. Too. Two.
There are too many products to choose from, I really only need two.
Do you want to go to the hair show?
I am creating awesome in my marketing, you too?
I have two openings, which one would you like to reserve?

If you are judging this blog post and looking for mistakes, which I am sure there are some in this very sentence, maybe try focusing your energy on empowering those who need help.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)

Inside My Reality

Inside My Reality

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”


Leo Buscaglia

Inside My Reality

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you for listening.
Inside My Reality

This is by far one of the most difficult posts I have ever written. But my heart is telling me it’s time. Passion Squared is about truth. The truth about our lives and our businesses. When I saw that my friend, hairdresser, photographer and film maker Damien Laliberte started the Inside My Reality documentary project, I knew it was time to share one of my darkest secrets.

A little over 6 years ago, I almost took my own life. I have suffered from mental illness since I was a child, but did not know the depths of my condition till it was almost too late. I was one of the lucky ones. There is so much more to be done. I still struggle every day of my life. But I am alive and can do my part to help the millions of others that suffer as I do.

This is my buddy Damien. I sat down with him to learn more about his project. This is his story.

Damien Laliberte

Tell me a little bit about Inside My Reality.

It’s an independent film project voicing the every day reality so many of living under the shadow of mental illness feel. It’s not happy, it’s not sad, it’s just honest life.

Why are you so passionate about this topic?

I suffer from a mental illness, a lot of friends and family do, and there have recently been a string of suicides in my small rural town that has really made me realize that something is wrong with how we’re handling these topics.

The materials and education (if any) we give to young adults on these topics is so often laughably bad – my favorite example is to reference the anti-marijuana movies from the 50’s and 60’s, like Reefer Madness. That’s how off the mark the stuff we’re giving kids today is, and they KNOW it. So of COURSE it’s not helping.

Why should I support this project?

Unlike a charity, I’m not out to endlessly raise money. I’m not trying to raise awareness, sell ribbons, sell t-shirts – I am making something. Something that once made, will exist and be available and will not come back asking for donations next year to fund more ribbon and t-shirt sales.

How are you using the social + digital space to fuel this project?

This project is almost entirely fueled by the social networks I travel in over the Internet! I’m a big Twitter guy, but my YouTube video first got attention by being shared around town. Then came a website, which got too much traffic, so it was replaced with a Facebook page which is almost up to 800 likes as of writing this.

It’s how I communicate with people about this project, it’s how people reach me, it’s how teens and people who want to be part of the project reach me, it’s how my project material is disseminated into the world. It’s how I’ve been reached for interviews and professional connections. None of this would have been possible without the extreme power of having networked connections online.

“I think it’s time to start listening to them.” Damien Laliberte, Inside My Reality

Thank you Damien, for your friendship, your courage and your commitment to making a difference. I love you. Infinity and beyond.

To be part of helping our future generations who suffer from mental illness like Damien and I do, visit Inside My Reality, make a donation and share if you feel inspired. You can also keep up with Damien and Inside My Reality on Facebook and Twitter.

We thank you for your support.

If you or someone you know suffers from depression or has suicidal thoughts, there is help. A few of the groups I support are The Trevor Project, It Get’s Better, National Suicide Prevention Hotline.

(shared with LOVE from Nina + Damien)