Passion Squared black history month blog hd

Black History Month: Listening To Black Voices

            “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

         -Maya Angelou

The year 2020. A movement not a moment. A time when many of us woke up and decided to do better. As we enter 2021 and celebrate Black history month, it is time to remember those commitments we made with our black squares and to continue to learn, unlearn along with centering and amplifying Black voices.

For every MLK quote we share out of context, every performative “we care” action we take, we continue to be part of the problem. In order to be part of the solution, we first must acknowledge there is a problem and then, do better.

This is not about politics, it’s about people. It’s about history repeating itself year after year, decade after decade, century after century.

Let’s take time this month to listen. With open minds, hearts and actions.

We have been honored and blessed to have some incredible, wise, generous, passionate, talented and awesome Black leaders and storytellers sharing their stories on the people passion purpose Podcast over the years. Listen to them. Learn from them. Believe them. Follow them. Engage with them.

NOTE: All of these episodes were recorded 2018-2020 pre pandemic. Click on the graphics to listen.

Mahogany Plautz people passion purpose podcast fb

Caron people passion purpose podcast fbDre Demry-Sanders people passion purpose podcast fbKeya Artistically Neal people passion purpose podcast fb

Danielle Green Radically Curly people passion purpose podcast Passion Squared fbKeya Neal people passion purpose podcast Passion Squared fb

Change begins with us. It is our responsibility to unravel what we’ve been taught, use our privilege and platforms to amplify Black voices and stories, stay open to learning the truth, decide to put people before politics and do our part in dismantling systemic racism. Let’s do better.

With love + respect-
Nina @passionsquared

BTS of this blog 

Total Time: 2 hours

Building the blog
Writing 20 min.
Editing/SEO stuff 20 min.
Proof reading 20 min.
Designing graphics on 1 hour (these are graphics we designed prior to this post)

5 Biz Brand Life Lessons of COVID 19 with Nina Kovner

5 Biz + Brand + Life Lessons with COVID-19

In this class Nina shares her insights on what she see’s that is working with businesses, what opportunities you have to build trust and long term loyalty right now and what you can learn about yourself.

In this class you will learn:
Why clarity of brand matters now more than ever and how to find it
What building long term trust looks like right now
How the content you are sharing on the socials impacts your relationships with your clients
Why practicing healthy boundaries and honoring your process is critical to your long term mental health (to watch our class on Mental Health click here)

This is an HONEST AF class from someone who has been building businesses, brands and lives for over 30 years. Please watch with an open heart + mind.
If you have questions, please send them to


Dr. Nancy Sobel people passion purpose podcast Passion Squared hd

Dr. Nancy R. Sobel On Mental Health + Hope + Resilience with COVID-19

In this episode Nina chats with Dr. Nancy R. Sobel, a psychologist in private practice in Los Angeles California specializing in the treatment of trauma and compulsive disorders and Nina’s personal therapist for the past 13 years. Dr. Nancy shares her expertise, experience and some tools to help you understand and navigate all the stages and feels of this global pandemic. We talk anxiety, fear, guilt, resentment, codependency, routine, ritual, reality, gratitude, hope and more. You can find Dr. Nancy on the gram through her non-profit @gapcreate and on the web at You can find Nina on the gram @passionsquared Thank you Dr. Nancy for sharing your experience and guidance with us, we love you and are forever grateful for you.



 You can also listen + subscribe to our podcast on;

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Your experience matters. We would be so grateful if you shared your experience with our podcast by leaving a review. It matters to us, and so do you. Thank you- Nina