2024: The Year of Perspective for The Salon Industry

In this episode, Nina proclaims 2024 to be the year of perspective for the salon industry. One viral TiKTok or some comments from random strangers on the Internet is not fact, or truth. The algorithms are designed to feed off our enragement and discourse. Because of that, we are collectively losing perspective around how different salon businesses and models work, how salons make decisions aligned with their brands, and how salons grow. Whether it be overcorrecting and confusing healthy boundaries and walls, connecting the prices you charge and client feedback with your personal worth, tossing out the fundamentals of client retention and happiness, deciding salon business ownership wasn’t for you, having the best year ever, or the worst, we talk about it all to help you regain and retain perspective to have a more awesome, authentic and aligned with your brand year. You can find Passion Squared on the socials here and here. You can learn more about Creating Your Awesome Salon Brand here. Thank you so much for listening. Cheering you on, every day, always! 

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