#QandAwesome Personal Posts On Social Platforms

In this episode I share the truth about “personal” and social platforms. The truth is, nobody can nor should tell you what is right for your brand or audience. But until you have clarity around your brand and audience, it will continue to be difficult to know where the line is. Thanks so much for watching!

Passion Squared on Periscope

Creating Awesome with Periscope

“Your content is your marketing.” Me

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you for listening.

It seems almost every day there is a new platform, and people get all geeked out on it, jump in quickly while others sit back and observe. What has happened with Periscope for the professional beauty industry has been quite awesome to watch. What is Periscope you ask? A live streaming app, owned by & integrated with Twitter.

Now, before I get into my thoughts on Periscope, here are a few fundamentals to remember when it comes to choosing platforms and content plans.

Be where your clients are. How do you know? Ask. Observe. Listen.

Less is more. Always. I would rather you engage successfully on one platform than attempt to engage half heatedly on two or more.

So, as long as we are all clear on that, here are my initial thoughts on creating awesome with Periscope…

1. I Love It
And I am a tough customer. I do not jump to jump, I jump when I see something that I believe can delver a ton of value and I see this happening quickly on Periscope. Why? Engagement, community, conversations, behind the scenes, all of it is stuff our communities crave.

2. Less Is Always More, Unless We Are Talking Espresso or OITNB
Oh wait, I already said that. But it bears repeating. This is part of a larger content strategy discussion, but it’s important to remember that TMI and random chatter does not add value to your brand, in fact, it can take away value. This is true on any platform, post consistently, but be mindful to post content that matters. The more random noise you make, the less people listen + hear.

3. Your Content Is Your Marketing
And on Periscope it is no different. Think about your brand story, your brand why, what your clients are seeking by following you, how you can add value to the conversation. Begin there.

4. Be Mindful of Your Biz Model
What? Yes, think about it. If you are an educator and offer paid courses, be mindful of how much content you share and what types of content you share. And please remember, your content is your marketing. Free content is for sure a strategy, one I use often (and strategically) at Passion Squared, but too much free content could impact your course sales. Make sure you understand your model, know your business, know your customer and be thoughtful and strategic in how and what you share. Be generous, yes, but be mindful.

Love + Awesomeness-


I would love to connect with you on Periscope, you can find me at @passionsquared2 (same as Twitter)

#QandAwesome Episode 11 How Do I Create Content?

In this weeks episode of #QandAwesome I answer a question I get almost every day… how do I find and create awesome content for my social pages? If you are looking for a short cut or quick fix, you may not love my answer. If you are looking for how you can create value for your community, press play. Thank you for watching!

Your Content Is Your Marketing.header

Your Content Is Your Marketing

“Our job is to connect to people, to interact with them in a way that leaves them better than we found them, more able to get where they’d like to go.”  Seth Godin

Your Content Is Your Marketing

About every other day, I get asked “Nina, where do I find content for my social pages?” And my answer is always the same, what is your brand story, promise, purpose and objective. When you know this, then, and only then, will you begin to find inspiration to create or curate (share other peoples) content.

This past week, I was inundated with posts on Facebook and Instagram about the hair transformations of Kim Kardashian and Jared Leto. Now let me get something very clear, this has nothing to do with whether I am a fan of either of them. But for those that follow me, you know I am obsessed with one of them. #teamjared

What I witnessed were so many hairdressers and trade publications I love bashing their hair (and hairdressers) and even posting a message to clients to NOT come (pictured above) into the salon and ask for a certain color. OMG, are you kidding me? I am confident most had no idea the impact these posts were having on their brand. Thus, my intense need to write this post.

Now, onto my point. Your content is your marketing. It is your story. Your brand. Your promise. And if you are using your Facebook and Instagram pages to help grow your business, then why in the world would you post anything that tells clients NOT to come in to see you or ask for a certain look?

Each day I work with passionate humans looking to learn how to engage authentically and effectively on social platforms to help grow their business.

In my lifetime, I have NEVER seen anything like the empowering opportunities the social web gives to creative small businesses. It is astounding. If used properly, of course.

The beauty of our world is that we are free to believe, share and post anything we want. All I am asking is that you understand the effects of your posts and are clear on your objectives for the platforms you choose to engage on.

Remember, your content is your marketing. Every post, share, comment, like (even what you are liking and commenting on other peoples pages)… Each moment is telling your brand story to your current and future clients.

What does your content say about your marketing? It matters.

Love + Awesomeness-


PS: A big shout out to @jasonbacke of @tedgibsonbeauty for being an awesome model of content that supports his brand. Well done!

PS: I know you likes your post.

PS: I Know You Liked Your Post

“Focus on how to be social, not do social.”

Jay Baer



Liking Your Own Posts?

Here is the audio version of this post. Thank you so much for listening.

So I asked a very simple question last week on Facebook and Instagram, thinking I would get a pretty straightforward answer. “Is it OK to like our own posts on Facebook, Instagram or any other social platforms?” I applaud all those who courageously shared their thoughts. Thank you!

Now I could have been more clear, I was speaking about business pages and posts, not personal. So this post is about business pages and my professional view is based on countless hours of engaging myself, reading, researching, following respected leaders in the space, and watching my own and my clients behaviors and analytics.

The short answer
No, there is no need for your business to like its own posts. And if people are paying attention, it looks kinda lame and desperate.

The longer answer
Why Are We Even There?
The purpose of engaging on social platforms for business is to share, engage, listen, build relationships and create connections. Based on the objectives of the business being on a social platform, those actions could result in increased traffic to your website, referrals and revenue.

How Can We Create More Engagement?
1. Sharing your business posts to your personal pages (if the target audience is similar) can increase engagement on Facebook, since personal pages seem to show up more in the news feed than business pages.

2. Creating a content strategy that creates value for your followers.

3. Posting consistently and often. How often? It depends on your audience. And only trying different approaches and measuring them will give you that answer.

In the end, the goal is not to try to game the system, the goal is to create relevant, meaningful content that adds value to your community. Whether its on Facebook, Instagram, a blog or e-newsletter.

We move towards what we focus on. So instead of focusing on likes or being seen, I say we focus on how we can be of service to the humans that choose to follow us and listen to us. And liking your own post just does not fit into that.

What are your thoughts? Please share your comments below, or on Facebook, and of course, you can always inbox me. I’m listening.

(shared with LOVE from Nina)