YELP…Yikes or Yay?

“A happy customer is the greatest advertisement.”

Andy Sernovitz, Author of Word of Mouth Marketing

According to the US Census Bureau, 14% of Americans move every year (that’s close to 50 million last year alone). Every year, 12+ million move out of state and another 12 million move to another county in the same state. That’s a lot of people moving around and many will be in search of  “happy customers” to help them find their next great haircut and more.

Enter YELP,  “the fun and easy way to find and talk about great (and not so great) local businesses”.

YELPWith over 54 million unique visitors each month, it’s the place where savvy salons go to tap into online word of mouth and take advantage of this growing (and FREE) source of real world referrals and traffic.  In fact, salons are the 4th most searched for business on YELP, after shopping, home services and restaurants. WOW.

Check out The Power of Yelp, our newest Social Beauty Intelligence Webinar on the Why’s, What, and How’s of YELP.  Our hope is that you gain insight into this powerful referral platform and begin to use it to help attract new clients to your salon, YAY!

(shared with LOVE from your passionistas Nina + Gordon)



Why Social?

“Social Media isn’t a fad, it’s a fundamental shift in the way we communicate.”

Eric Qualman

Why the Social Web? Because just like your salons, its about people.

Today, “90% of consumers trust peer recommendations” (what we know as word of mouth, referrals and long considered the key in driving traffic and growing our business). And if the social web is “Word of Mouth on Steroids”, then we believe you will want to be there, in a authentic & meaningful way.

Competition for clients has never been greater – and social web provides individuals and businesses with powerful (and affordable) tools, platforms and programs that level the relationship & engagement playing field between very large companies, the very small (and all in-between).

As the social revolution continues and the reach grows exponentially, the social web is becoming increasingly “local”.  Yelp, Foursquare, and now Facebook (even more so by way of Timeline) are leveraging their massive consumer reach to better serve the needs of consumers locally while helping small businesses tap into where most buying power lives -within a few miles of home -and your salon.

Said best by Jay Baer (Social Media Speaker, Author, and Coach) and we believe this to be true- “Focus on how to be social, not do social”.