Passion Squared 2019 gratefulAF challenge hd

The 2019 gratefulAF challenge

There is always something to be grateful for.

Two years ago we kicked off our annual gratefulAF challenge and had NO idea the impact it would make. Like, WOW. Each day I saw you, our passionate community, light up the world. A big shout out of gratitude to all of you who participated in 2017 + 2018, you sparked so much fucking joy for those your serve and love.

We are doing the challenge again for 2019 because gratitude changes fucking everything.

This is my personal story and why gratitude is the center of all that we do at Passion Squared and how it can help you with perspective, awareness and even possibly help change the chemistry in your brain (here’s a study!)

In early 2007 I was in the darkest place I have ever been in my life. So much so, that I was planning my suicide. But here it is, 20 fucking 19… I am alive, living my purpose and empowering others to live their’s too. How did this happen? It all began with gratitude.

Of course, there is so much more to the story which I share in my book Follow Your Heart, but it was learning about the power of daily gratitude that made me realize that I had more to do on this planet, and that no matter how dark my head became, there was always something to be grateful for.

From there, I was able to keep perspective, and perspective allows me to get through just about any hardship, sadness or loss. It was this quote that changed it all for me, which is tattooed on my left arm to be sure I never forget that gratitude saved my fucking life.

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. Melody Beattie

We created a simple challenge for you and one I hope you invite your community + teams to join in too. It’s called the gratefulAF challenge.

Each day in the month of November we invite you to practice a little piece of gratitude and kindness.

Passion Squared 2019 grateful AF challenge social art square final


Here’s how it works:
Launch date: November 1, 2019 (but you can begin anywhere, anytime!)
1. Capture your gratitude
2. Post to your Instagram page or Stories (only if you feel inspired to do so)
3. Use #passionsquared
4. Tag @passionsquared /@ mention passionsquared if posting in Stories

Click here for the Instagram portrait size graphic
Click here for the Instagram Stories graphic
Click here for the Instagram gratitude list template
Click here for the Facebook/Instagram/Blog post square size graphic

To use our gratitude gif’s for your Insta Stories or anywhere, search the term PASSION SQUARED under GIFS in Insta Stories or on
Passion Squared_GiphySticker_1_GRATEFUL_BK_GLITTER

My intention is that after 30 days you will feel how much gratitude can change your perspective, your energy, your brain, your biz and your LIFE and you see the value of a daily gratitude practice.

How will you incorporate this challenge into your business and life? We would love to hear your gratitude ideas!

With love + a fuck ton of gratitude-
Nina @passionsquared

BTS of this blog + challenge
Total Time: 4 hours

Building the challenge
Developing the idea and daily themes 1 hour
Designing graphics on 1 hour
Editing 30 min.

Building the blog
Writing 30 min.
Editing/SEO stuff 30 min.
Proof reading 15 min.
Designing graphics on 15 min.

Education and Change in the salon industry blog Passion Squared

So Much Education So Little Change

“I am not a teacher, but an awakener.” Robert Frost

(This post was originally written on June 3, 2013. It has been updated, but the issue, sadly, is still real for many.)

When will you decide to take action on all that education you are consuming? Because the truth is, until you do, please do not expect any changes to occur. Change the system, change the result.

So many professionals arrive to education classes each day with the hopes of getting info on the latest and greatest products, tools, programs, and being inspired and motivated. And of course, grab a selfie with their hair heroes and sheroes. We’ve all been there. And it can be some of the best experiences of our lives.

My career began when I first attended the International Beauty Show in New York. The moment I stepped foot into the door, I knew my life would never be the same. Many of us have stories like that, and I never tire of hearing them.

Everyday in the pro beauty biz, there are shows, classes, workshops, academies, webinars, DVD’s and books to purchase. And everyday, beauty professionals from around the globe consume these educational opportunities.

But here is the dilemma. Not much has changed. After 30 years, I still see and hear so much of the same narrative, the same struggles, the same resentment.

Why are you investing so much in education and not seeing significant changes consistently? Why do hairdressers still struggle to make a living? Why do salons open with fanfare and close in silence and shame? It breaks my heart. But it is also why Passion Squared exists.

While the answers are not as simple as a blog post, here are some of the reasons I believe this cycle continues and what we can do to change it…

1. You Have A Taking Action Problem

As one that has worked in this beautiful biz my entire adult life, 30 years, is see a huge problem with owners and hairdressers actually taking action and following through. Yep, I said it. It’s quite common for us creative types, to be addicted to the inspiration and info, but not taking action on much of what we learn.

You have become addicted to obtaining knowledge, not to executing on the knowledge you are receiving. In order to change that, you must begin to fall in love with taking action. Or finding a partner in your biz that is in love with taking action. There is no way around it. Awesome businesses execute. They are consistent. They are in love with the fundamentals of what makes a business awesome. Period.

2. The Truth Is Technical Skills Include Business

Speaking of addictions, many are addicted to learning how to be better cutters, colorists and stylists and almost adverse to being better leaders, managers, business owners and brand developers. Being an awesome haircutter does not automatically make you an awesome biz owner (have you read the E Myth?). Having a big Instagram following does not mean you can build and grow a team, or coach others on how to build and grow. And if you are an independent artist, you are a business owner too. Drop the ego, stop thinking you know it all, and commit to learning what it takes to build and grow a business. If you are not into improving your business skills, don’t own a business.

3. Don’t Buy Into The Hype 

Many are in love and enamored with our product lines, manufacturers, distributors and those with big social media followings. You worship them. You spend thousands of dollars supporting them. How are they supporting you? How are they helping you increase traffic to grow your business? And let me remind you, just because someone can collect followers on social platforms does not mean they are a good business person, or have a good business. It simply means they have learned how to build followers. It’s not the same. Some actually do have an awesome business, but many do not. Don’t buy into the hype.

4. Get Focused AF

As a group, we are a fairly unfocused bunch. I include myself in all of this as I will only speak from my own experiences. We are so addicted to what’s next, we miss the opportunity to actually learn something, implement it, measure it, learn from it, and adjust it.

We move towards what we focus on and we can only focus on one thing at a time. Something to think about next time you sign up for a class, workshop and webinar. What is your plan for taking action on the ideas you learned? To measure the results? To adjust as you measure?

There is no getting around doing the work. And if you want to see a change, a real change in the results of your business, your skills and your life, there’s gotta be some type of plan and commitment to get focused. The first step to this is taking a shit ton of meaningless stuff off your to-do list. Just let it go. It’s not helping you.

5. Real Education Empowers

Education should empower the educated. It should awaken the student. It should create real change. Both the educator and the educated share responsibility for this.

This is why I created membership programs like A School and Social Beauty Intelligence.

I understand that all the problems above exist, and my solution it to not just inspire you for an hour or a day, but for the lifetime of your career.

You see, the more we can stay connected, the better chance you have of staying on track and reaching your goals. It’s really that simple. Each day I am so proud of the decisions my clients are making, because they have simply decided they want to make an impact by focusing on what matters and investing in long term growth.

My purpose is to empower the people that I love. That is the also the purpose of Passion Squared. I have a dream that one day, in my lifetime, beauty professionals will be awakened and empowered to make good decisions about their career and business, and earn a good living, consistently. Sadly, if we get honest with ourselves, this is just not the reality of our biz. It’s time to change that.

With love + truth- Nina @passionsquared

Ash Fortis Passion Profile Passion Squared

Passion Profile: Ash Fortis

“It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to.” Jean-Luc Godard

I first met Ash on Instagram, a place I have met so many incredibly passionate and beautiful humans that last few years. But my first face to face experience with her was during a summer vacation on the East Coast visiting family, and again at the Butterfly Circus in Los Angeles. I knew the second I saw Ash, she was something special. Just a few years out of school, Ash is an old soul who feels immensely, and in a business that is all about the feels, Ash is creating a business and life centered around passion and authenticity. I am honored to share a little slice of all that is Ash Fortis.

N: What does passion look & feel like to you?
A: Passion is something that drives you through the trenches. It’s unwavering, it feels like butterflies, fear, trust, and what I relate to as a hair high.

N: Why did you become a hairdresser or educator?
A: I have always been fascinated by hair. And not just one area of hair. I loved the idea of exploring hair and being on the cutting edge of hair trends. After completing the honors program in Cosmetology I went onto an intensive apprenticeship in one of the most amazing hair salons. I learned so much there about both personal and professional growth. I went onto a smaller salon due to several reasons. After 6 months I was let go of from the salon due to changing my hair color from a bold red into a bold blue to purple to pink color melt. I was looking to have more fun with my hair, attract more clients to my chair wanting those looks and it was before vivids had really taken off. I was angry about being let go over hair color and worse how they really felt about it. It crushed me how it was handled, she knew I supported my family on my income alone, I listened as she told me that she didn’t want that type of clientele and basically that the trends were not going to last, that she didn’t want to deal with the headaches of when a client would want them removed. I knew with out another word spoken I would have never agree to work for someone who felt that way because she just insulted me my passion, and my visions for what I wanted to create hair to be. I firmly believed in what I was doing and that I had to find away to have complete freedom.

I found a hair family at G Patton Salon provided me that and my business thrived as an independent hair stylist. More importantly it’s allowed me to balance my family, my health, education and other passions I want to absorb from life. I can’t imagine another way. I am excited to say I am starting a new journey as a business owner with my own suite salon XO Hair Studio in April.

I pursued being an educator about 2 years into my career but until about 4 years ago but almost no doors were open. I get it what could I have to offer with a short resume? They never took the chance to see the potential in me. And the ones that were were not companies I wanted to be apart of. Over the next several years I engulfed myself with researching things I could do and practicing by going back to my hair school to educate or salons in my area that were interested in my techniques and it has grown. My first workshop was $50 and 45 people came and it grows little by little each time I educated. I am still navigating it but my passion fuels each path I take and I trust the journey I am on.

N: What is the biggest challenge you have had and how did you overcome it?
A: I have had a hard time with personal insecurities and wanting to please everyone. I am a very passionate person and I don’t want to dilute or change that which I hold myself responsible to, and what I ultimately look for in others I surround myself with. I look more and more every day to find that circle of people who share in empowering each other.

N: What is the greatest lesson you have learned?
A: That if you change your perspective you can change your life. Things are not always as they seem. Changing my perspective gave me the ability to take control and accountability over my thoughts. It has made me a better person, a forgiving person, it’s humbled me. And I have a lot more free time when I don’t spend my energy where it ought not be spent.

N: What is one skill you believe all successful educators need to have?
A: Engagement. I think anyone considering being an educator need to understand the importance of being a good educator. And honestly there is no road map on how to be one, how to get there or how fast you do it. Be passionate about being an educator and do it with purpose everything else will follow in suit.

N: Why that one?
A: Because to me engagement means education, motivation and inspiration. If you can engage that means you hold the attention of those you educate in front of. And as we know hairstylist especially learn differently and when I educate I want to make sure that not only did I make a difference but that they were able to absorb as much knowledge as possible and I continue to have attendees coming back to my workshops that lets me know that what I am doing is working and making a difference.

N: Why are you so passionate about authenticity and sharing behind the scenes work in the salon with other professionals?
A: I think it’s so important in a world full of unrealistic standards and expectations to be both authentic and raw. Thanks to Pinterest and social platforms a standard of hair has been set for our industry and there were little to no real conversations happening about all the grey areas. I don’t want to set my fellow hairdressers up for failure or myself. So I love sharing how many hours it took, what types of processes, how many sessions, how I share the same struggles that they do as a stylist behind the chair. I have taken off over the last year but there were several things that went into my success and has been a course of actions over the last 5 years. Having had life changing mentors in my life makes me want to pay it forward to those who don’t have anyone to uplift them, to empower them, and to hopefully share my challenges so that can foresee some of those same challenges before they happen.

N: Favorite quote?
A: “Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery – celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to.” Jim Jarmusch 

N: Coffee Bean or Starbucks?
R: Starbucks

A big shout out to Ash for sharing an intimate look into her journey and for being so generous with her art. Love you to the moon and back boo!

You can find Ash on Instagram @xostylistxo on Facebook and be sure to check out her upcoming color workshops.

Love + Awesomeness-

Ruby 3

Passion Profile: Ruby Devine

Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we will die” Dave Mathews band

I’m not even really sure where and when I first came across this ball of passion named Ruby Devine. Maybe it was her name, which is beyond fab, her generosity on social platforms, her commitment to showing up, her courage for sharing her art, but none of that matters now really. When you meet Ruby, you just know you have stumbled into one of the most beautiful energies you will find in a human. Ruby has a gift, and I am so grateful that she agreed to share some insights into what fuels her heart and her art. Meet Ruby Devine…
N: What does passion look & feel like to you?
R: Passion feels very close to obsession. Passion feels like a deep guttural, churning feeling of “I MUST do this”. And with that I would say passion looks like a tireless person working feverishly to be with a person or complete a project all because “I MUST do this”.

N: Why did you become a hairdresser or educator?
R: I became a hairdresser as a means to an end. I have always had difficulty with retention and attention so let’s just say, I wasn’t the highest marking student especially in high school. I wanted very badly to go to a art and design private school, but due to the low grades and my lack of commitment to high school, my mother was very hesitant to back me financially and also those bad grades made me ineligible for scholarships. The local community college in my area offered a cosmetology/partial business diploma program. At this point my only experience with hairdressers were very low end haircutting salons, so I had an ignorant mind set of “anyone can be a ‘hairdresser”. After the first week of school and learning how vast the opportunities were with a cosmetology license, I felt like everything fell into place. And from there, I thrived in beauty school.

I became and educator first as a network educator with Bumble and Bumble in 2004. There is where I got better training on speaking, and teaching skills. With social media platforms and my personal seeking of continuing education, I have had the opportunity to share with a whole new grouping of stylists.

N: What is the biggest challenge you have had and how did you overcome it?
R: My biggest challenge has been insecurity. I have always lacked confidence, and probably will always suffer from that. The lack of confidence has often stopped me for going for something bigger and reaching outside of my comfort zone. With constantly seeking out continuing education and an awesome network of stylists that encourage me and mentor me, I continue to work on that confidence.

N: What is the greatest lesson you have learned?
R:  That the root of all evil, especially in hairdressing, is fear. Fear will stop you from all greatness. Fear stops you from thinking outside of the box. Fear will stop you from staying inspired and free to imagination.

N: What is one skill you believe all successful educators need to have?
R: Compassion. You must have compassion for others to help and understand that information doesn’t always come easily to others. Also, compassion helps you find patience to stay with a person mentally until they can “get it”.

N: Why are you so passionate about sharing your behind the scenes work in the salon with other professionals?
R: I believe that there is SO much to learn just by watching a salon work. How is the salon set up? How are their working stations? How are their clients greeted? These little moments are often overlooked as education opportunities.

N: Favorite quote?
R: Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we will die. Dave Mathews band

N: Coffee Bean or Starbucks?
R: Starbucks

You can find Ruby on Instagram @rubydevine on Periscope and on Facebook for all types of awesome!

Love + Awesomeness-

Laura Kaszoni Passion Profile.jpg

Passion Profile: Laura Kaszoni

“Every accomplishment begins with a decision to try.” Unknown

As a fan and follower of @lalasupdos for sometime, I was thrilled to learn I would meet this talented power house at the first ever Butterfly Circus in the summer of 2015 (thank you David + Alexis Thurston!) But I had NO idea I would instantly fall in love with this special human. Laura’s humility and beauty is what struck me at first, then to watch her move hair in ways I have never seen in my 30 years of being in the hair biz, I knew I was witnessing something insanely special. It’s an honor to share a little chat I had with my dear friend, and passionately talented Lalas Updos…

N: What does passion look & feel like to you?
L: I’ve been in this country for 9 years and worked in the wrong field for 8 years. After settling for less, being miserable and wondering what’s my purpose for so many years, I think now, that I finally do what I love the most, can describe what passion is…

Passion is when you fail, but never give up.

Passion is not being able to sleep because you’re too excited about what’s on your agenda for tomorrow.

Passion is planning to spend one hour practicing your craft and look in shock at clock few hours later not knowing how that happened.

Passion is when you don’t listen to anything that anyone has to say about your craft & style, and you don’t change your vision based on people’s opinion.

Passion is sleepless nights when creative ideas won’t let your mind to rest, is smiles, tears, butterflies, failure and the determination to keep going, no matter what.

N: Why did you create your own education company?
L: I created my own education company because I’ve been asked to. I have never planned or dreamed to become an educator – as a matter of fact, I do not even consider myself one. I am just a stylist passionate about art of up styling, sharing my love and knowledge with other fellow artists.

After I had my first class in December of 2014, I got more and more requests to travel and share my knowledge, so I can say my education company was born out of people’s hunger and love for up styling.

N: What is the biggest challenge you have had and how did you overcome it?
L: Biggest challenge was finding balance between work and personal life. I think I was able to overcome that issue when my daughter pointed out that I am spending less time with her. I realized in the end, when everything else is gone, the loved ones are the only ones that matter. The only ones that will be there for you, and they should be always #1 priority. When I come back from my trips I try to wake up early take care of my business, and leave the afternoons to my family.

N: What is the greatest lesson you have learned?
L: The greatest lesson I have learned in my life: It’s never too late to follow your dreams and start all over again! It was the most painful but rewarding lesson in the same time. I worked and stood in the wrong industry for almost 8 years, choosing to ignore the all the signs that showed me clearly that’s not my place. I was afraid to get out of my comfort zone, afraid of unknown, afraid I will fail, afraid my dreams were too big or too foolish. I choose to settle because of fear, but guess what? Fear doesn’t make you happy, nor content. Being stressed and miserable at your work place, are the first signs you are in the wrong place.

My point is: pay attention to the signs, listen to your heart, follow your dreams – don’t settle for less. It’s never too late to start all over again. It’s never too late to be happy, to stop surviving and start living.

N: Why are you so passionate about updo’s?
L: I always had an inclination for art – I’ve be been creating things from scratch, drawing and painting since I was a little child. But with updos it always felt different. The thrill and the passion I feel every time I create a new style, is different than anything I have experienced before. When I create up-styles I loose myself into it – the time just stops, it’s just me and my craft. I never get tired, bored, frustrated, or out of ideas. I think that’s a clear sign I found my passion/calling.

N: Favorite quote?
L: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phillippians 4:13

N: Starbucks or Coffee Bean?
L: Starbucks

You can find Laura on Instagram @lalasupdos, on her Facebook page Lalas-Updos as well as her website where you will find her upcoming workshops, booking info and all of her other awesomeness.

Love + Awesomeness-