Justifying Your Value, Worth and Price

In this episode, Nina dives deeper into an Instagram post shared last week on being mindful about creating content drenched in justification around the value, worth, and pricing of your brand services and products. Whether you are a stylist, a salon, a fitness trainer, a massage therapist, a lash artist, or a content creator, always remember your content is your marketing. When you find yourself sharing content that speaks to your value, worth, and pricing, ask yourself who is this targeting and whether is it adding value and solving a problem for those you serve. Your current clients already know the value of the experience you deliver at the price you set. Your future clients will make a decision that they value the experience you deliver at the price you set. Those who don’t see value in the experience you deliver at the price you set aren’t your people. You can find Nina and Passion Squared on the socials @passionsquared and on the web at passionsquared.net Thank you for listening.

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Your experience matters. We would be so grateful if you shared your experience with our podcast by leaving a review wherever you enjoy your podcasts. It matters to us, and so do you. Thank you- Nina

BONUS Episode Nina Kovner on Branding

Bestie of Passion Squared and the beauty industry Gordon Miller recently launched a new podcast, Social Beauty Makers, and invited Nina on his pod.

From Social Beauty Makers
A renowned coach, marketer, and thought leader in social and digital media, Nina Kovner, Passion Squared CEO, gives us a 15-minute master class on the fundamentals related to ‘brand’ and ‘branding’ -two words too often used interchangeably… in error. Today perhaps more than ever before, the essence of who we are and we show up (as businesses, professionals, or as humans) matters to those we connect with day-to-day. And just as education matters in your craft, so does it matter in raising the bar on your marketing game. Listen in for more.

You can find Gordon on the socials @gordnm and Nina @passionsquared

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Your experience matters. We would be so grateful if you shared your experience with our podcast by leaving a review wherever you enjoy your podcasts. It matters to us, and so do you. Thank you- Nina

The Difference Between Brand Values and Brand Value

In this episode Nina shares insights into why it’s essential to understand your brand values, what those you serve value, and the difference between brand values and brand value. With the recent decision Amazon made to end their Smile program they chose to abandon a part of their brand that was of value for some, and in doing so, moves folks to question Amazon’s actual brand values. Your brand story is the foundation of all that you do as a small business owner, and it begins by having clarity of your brand purpose, promise, and people. You can find Nina on the socials @passionsquared and on the web at passionsquared.net Thank you so much for listening!



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Your experience matters. We would be so grateful if you shared your experience with our podcast by leaving a review wherever you enjoy your podcasts. It matters to us, and so do you. Thank you- Nina

Aligning Your Words with Your Brand

In this episode, Nina shares insights and examples of why it’s important to align your words, language, communications, and content with your brand purpose, promise, people, voice, values, and vibe. Your words have energy, meaning, and impact. You want the words you choose to help you move toward the outcome you’re seeking while ensuring they are in the language of your client, customer, or consumer. You can find Nina and Passion Squared on the socials @passionsquared and at passionsquared.net Thank you so much for listening!

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Your experience matters. We would be so grateful if you shared your experience with our podcast by leaving a review wherever you enjoy your podcasts. It matters to us, and so do you. Thank you- Nina

Passion Squared people passion purpose Nina L Kovner Gordon Miller 55.hd

Fifty Five Lessons + Wisdoms from 55 Years of Living

In this episode of the pod, Nina shares fifty-five life and business wisdoms and lessons on their 55th birthday with special guest and bestie Gordon Miller of Hairbrained. Grab your favorite beverage and snack, take a listen and if you feel inspired, share some of your wisdoms and lessons with us on the socials. You can find Nina + Passion Squared on the gram @passionsquared @ninakovner and Gordon @gordnm @hairbrained_official
Thank you so much for listening and for you trust, support and LOVE. We’re gratefulAF for you.

Some Causes Close To Nina’s Heart  

Black Trans Travel Fund

Marsha P Johnson Institute

Trevor Project

Dress Code Project (totally spaced on mentioning this v important cause in the episode, ugh!)

Best Friends Animal Society

Salt River Wild Horse Management Group

Some Causes Close To Gordon’s Heart

PAWS Chicago

Your Local Food Bank

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Your experience matters. We would be so grateful if you shared your experience with our podcast by leaving a review. It matters to us, and so do you. Thank you- Nina